

With Christmas just around the corner, the ever popular range of LOL Dolls have pushed Mums to the limit with their outrageous prices!

LOL Dolls are sure to be top of many Christmas lists this year, but the brand has been accused of ‘daylight robbery’ with their latest release, the LOL Bigger Surprise, retailing for between $99-$120 in stores around Australia. You’d think an impressive price tag would be accompanied by impressive contents, but it’s the lack of value for money that has parents less than happy with the offering kidspot.com.au reports.

LOL By Name…

Natalie Harrison, a British mum, took to Facebook with a photo of the contents of the LOL Bigger Surprise she had purchased for her child with the caption: “Anyone thinking of buying the lol bigger surprise for 84.99 GBP (156 AUD), this is what you get.” Her post has almost 27,000 shares and over 10,000 comments from unimpressed parents.

‘I’d get more by buying the little balls separately,” said one disappointed Mum.  “This is daylight robbery…no way,” another said. “That’s why they’re called ‘lol’…guess who’re the one’s laughing.” We really hope Santa is prepared for an expensive Christmas this year…

lol doll

Enjoyment Still Priceless

Despite the overwhelmingly negative reaction towards the LOL Doll product following her viral post, Natalie insists she wasn’t criticising the LOL Doll brand, but wanted to make other parents aware of what they’d be getting for their money goodtoknow.co.uk says.

“A lot of my friends have daughters who are into the whole LOL craze and I just wanted to make them aware of what was in the Bigger Surprise one. I never imagined it would create as much attention as it has, it really is crazy. I never stated what you get in a negative way and my children did spend a good 45 minutes opening them, so to me their enjoyment was priceless..”

“I just know that there are some parents out there that would get this for their child and not much else and wanted to give them a heads up.”

While we’re all for the magic of Christmas, we just couldn’t justify the price of this particular LOL Doll product, especially when you could assemble a similar selection of pieces for half the price! Besides, isn’t it the magic of opening presents, rather than the presents themselves, that really matters?

Would you buy the LOL Doll Bigger Surprise? Let us know in the comments.


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  • Someone sure is lol-ing all the way to the bank with this rip off


  • gotta love a good fad, transformers are our problem toy right now


  • Holy crap! The sad thing is people will still buy them.


  • Oh this is definitely way too expensive! Why are they so pricey?


  • I have seen art kits with posters, crayons, colouring in pencils in a reasonable size box for $20.00 in the reject shop. I haven’t opened one so I don’t know what else is in them. The toys above would not be safe for little ones to have and older children need to understand that


  • That doesn’t look like good value at all.


  • Lucky I can’t afford one that looks rubbish. My daughter would love what IS there but at that price will never find out.


  • I really hate these with all their plastic parts and expensive price tag – I don’t see what sets them apart from any other crappy doll on the market


  • Oh no. This is all my daughter wants for Christmas. I wonder if I will get away with buying a heap of the the smaller ones or can pick up one of these on special.


  • Haven’t had to seek these ones out.


  • This is what brands do. Parents are basically paying for a name. Personally I think its a ridiculous amount to spend on a few dolls that will be played with for a matter of weeks then are forgotten about.


  • No not on our Christmas list!


  • Didn’t they do the same thing last year?


  • Big companies pray on parents, they advertise, then wait till children bug the life out of parents to purchase or then there is the other scenario wait till the child writes/asks Santa and bingo one pops into the Santa sack.


  • So expensive for such a little toy. I wont be buying my daughter any


  • 156 dollars? The price looks outrageous!!


  • I purchased my granddaughters lol dolls at Big W when the pre Christmas sale was on if not I wouldn’t have purchased as yes they are so expensive.

    • Smart move – buy expensive toys at sale times and avoid the massive prices.


  • I think these are glorified Happy Meal toys !


  • My daughter keeps pointing to them wanting to get some, but what a rip off!! I can not see value in these. I keep distracting my daughter from these, hopefully this is one crazy that can miss our family.


  • Don’t buy it for Christmas – wait for the Christmas sales!


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