

A mum-of-five from the UK has been forced to defend her children’s names.

People began making negative comments about two of her kids’ names claiming that she had named them after alcoholic beverages.

Sarah Mennell, spoke to HullLive about the expense of her children’s school uniforms, where her children were named by the publication.

Her two eldest children Tiamarie, 12, and Jackdaniel, 11 are at the centre of the debate.

Trolls took to social media to mock the mother-of-five for her choice of names, alluding that they were either made up, or the parents were heavy drinkers.

In a follow up response with HullLive, Sarah made it clear that there was no link between her childrens names and alcoholic spirits as her husband and her aren’t drinkers, adding that they would much prefer a cup of tea and biscuit.

Sarah and husband Steve also explained to the publication that there were meaningful stories behind both of their names.

“Tiamarie was actually decided on our first family holiday as a waitress was called Tiamarie in Spain,” Sarah explained.

“We didn’t know at first, as Tia Maria is the drink, not Tiamarie, we just thought it’s different, not the normal names flying around everywhere.”

As for their son, the couple of 11 years say that he was named after a Canadian runner.

“When we [were] having Jack, I didn’t know I was pregnant. I went into hospital bleeding and it didn’t look good,” Sarah said.

“Even though I was bleeding his legs was kicking like mad on the scan, so he got his name from the great running coach Jackdaniel because he survived this and is here today.”

Critics said that the children would never be taken seriously when they are older, and would struggle with employment due to their names. But that doesn’t bother Sarah.

Sarah and Steve are also parents to Sydneyrae, 10, Princess, six, and Albert, four.

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  • It’s their choice and sounds like they have lovely meaning behind the names.


  • I quite like these names. People just jump to quickly to conclusions, obviously the names have a special meaning to the parents


  • Each to their own, i dont mind the girls name and I wouldnt have thought it was alcohol.


  • I’m a non drinker but I know Jack Daniels. Tiamarie would make me think of tiramisu before an alcoholic drink. They aren’t horrid names and each to their own. My children’s names might not be to everyone’s liking, they certainly don’t appear on any of the standard lists or stationary


  • Just very unusual for sure


  • I don’t think they’re bad at all. I quite like them. I’ve definitely heard worse.


  • My oldest sons first and last name are alcoholic beverages, he certainly wasn’t named after alcohol though.
    There are so many names these days that are the common every day names that people are used to. People need to learn how to keep their opinions to themselves


  • Let it be, just let it be. These people whom think they can troll other’s and there judge their basic decisions like the names they call their children should stop taking offence and get a life!! – I want say what I really think, but it’s too rude. :)


  • So they didn’t associate the names with alcoholic drinks … seriously!? And why not just Jack and Tia and keep the others as their middle names? Their choice though … could have been worse, preferring tea and biscuits, they could have named them Darjeeling and Digestive!!


  • There are so very many different names out there, decided on for so many reasons (some personal) that it’s odd anyone would feel the need to comment on these in particular. My name is simple and I’ve spent my entire life spelling it for people, names are meant to be different…..that’s why we aren’t all called ‘hey you’.


  • I once taught a girl called Chardonnae. spelt without the ‘y’ but pronounced the same.


  • I would have never made the association to the drinks. They are quite special names. I don’t mind them.


  • Personally I think they should be trolled for calling one of their children “Princess” before either of the grog babies.

    As the dare ads show, just because you like a name doesn’t mean you should use it. Callum Murray anyone? You need to google them, go somewhere quiet and scream them out loudly and sit for a while and think about how a life could be impacted by the name you want. Its not going to be your name, its theirs, they have to live with it. You might just have to pass on something you like. Get a dog and name the dog the weird name.


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