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Public outrage follows last nights episode of Married at First Sight.

The public has spoken out against Channel 9 calling for the series Married at First Sight to be axed.

Blogger, Jen from Styling Curvy shared her disgust saying:

“I am so appalled at the TV show Married at First Sight and the so called ‘experts’ who just allowed a cheating couple to rejoin the ‘experiment’ as a couple. WTAF?!

“The experiment is to be matched by the ‘experts’ and commit to a marriage. These 2 were NOT matched and are NOT married!! They both chose to leave tonight! So let them go!

“Instead this ‘couple’ had the front to ask for a free ride to explore their attraction and a TV station said ‘Yes, we will reward your cheating ways’.

“Shit like this makes parenting a tougher gig. My boys were raised in a house where the Huz and I have a good, decent, respectful marriage. You’d think that would be enough to teach our kids about how relationships look

“But no. Our kids are raised in this new age and are influenced by social media and shit shows like MAFS.

“What I would really like to have seen would be for the ‘experts’ and the TV station to grow a set and take a decent moral stand and NOT reward indecent and immoral behaviour and allow these 2 cheaters back into the ‘experiment’

“Instead they pimped themselves put for ratings. What an absolute bloody shame.”

Her post attracted hundreds of comments with many people agreeing with her thoughts and others saying they don’t understand why anyone even watches the crap.

Petition to axe the show attracts thousands of signatures

A petition has also been launched calling for the axing of the show.  It has so far attracted over 11,700 signatures.

Natasha Rae said she started the petition for the people who are against adultery, cheating and partner swapping.

In the petition she wrote: “Tonight’s episode of Jess and Dan “hooking up” and the therapists allowing them to continue in the experiment is outrageous.

“This show has highlighted and given the message that adultery, cheating, lying and partner swapping is OK and you’ll be rewarded if you partake in it. It’s wrong and immoral and should be banned from ever being broadcasted again. Shame on you Channel 9”, she added.

Do you agree that the show needs to be cut?

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  • I think the horse has absolutely bolted on this one. I have not watched ONE episode of this show ever. But clearly, millions are which is exacerbating Channel 9 showing the worst of the worst. People seem to love the drama and disgusting human behaviour. A little ironic to call for its axing now when clearly these people have been watching it up until now. A great example we’re teaching our children. I can’t believe the people that do watch this and am surprised by the acceptance of it all until now.

    • Are children watching this? There is worse on their games that they play on phones and tablets.


  • YES AXE IT. The first season was great all about real people wanting love. This year maybe half were there for right reasons. The woman are mostly FAKE promoting botox and tramp stamps…… allowing the cheaters to stay is wrong Jess should of not strung Mick along for the last 3 weeks all just to get Dan…pathetic show.


  • Omg yes! MAFS needs to be axed! It’s basically soft porn and abuse on prime time television. This isn’t what you want Children watching that’s for sure because all it will teach them is how to be disrespectful to their partner in a relationship and be totally self absorbed. Shame on channel 9 for making another season of this rubbish.

    • Soft porn? I don’t think so and why are children watching? Don’t you remember the Big Brother shows, that was a lot worse for showing how people can behave badly.


  • so the big issue is the cheating scandal not the domestic abuse that was also allowed to happen to Billy and Bronson. Yep I reckon a lot of people need a wake up call


  • Arranged marriages are risky enough without this stunt for the TV Channel publicity. How many of these marriages go sour within 10 years, probably sooner?


  • It is an absolute disgrace and it is beyond me how anyone can think this is entertainment. If I had young children I would not allow the tv to be on, they are so easily influenced On another note some of the cooking shows should be taken off also. What do they do try to find someone who is going to attract attention and not for their cooking. I would be so embarrassed to be on a show like this if I went fir my cooking ability. How can we have an ad on tv for wipes where a dog licks a small child’s face clean. Just suppose the dog decided to take a bite. We already have enough dogs left with small children for a few moments and there have been a lot of nasty results

    have enough

    be on, they get enough rubbish now

    • I agree competition cooking shows are not healthy, and not setting good examples for anyone let alone children, food and competition should not be in the same sentence.


  • Ridiculous show I agree needs to go


  • This show is a farce from beginning to end – the sooner some thing decent replaces it the better.


  • Just don’t watch it if you don’t agree, no ratings it will be axed simple


  • I really don’t like this show, but my partner watches it and unfortunately I can hear the dribble from every room in the house. Too many plastic people for me. Yes some are genuine and nice which makes me wonder how the “experts” on relationships match them together. The one reality show I didn’t mind was The Farmers Wants a Wife. That was actually good viewing with real people wanting a relationship, not their 15 minutes of fame. Unfortunately after about the third season it started geting too tacky and scripted so I stopped watching.


  • I can’t believe after the first series that it was even allowed to be repeated! – each series just gets worse and worse in regards to the viewing – I’m sure no one thinks this is quality viewing – so much drama and nastiness. It’s lovely to see the couples that have worked but I feel like you don’t get to see enough of them because of all the drama characters!, some of the couples on this series I don’t even know their names because they have had limited tv time.

    I think enough is enough and there should be no more of this, MKR etc as they are just getting ridiculous – it’s not about the end results – like a husband/wife or the food on MKR – it’s about who can start the most drama and be the most disgusting person on the show!

    with the world already in so much chaos and so much evilness and horrible things happening, why do we need to see this sort of negativity on the tv as well?

    let’s not even get started on the so called “expert matchmakers”!


  • Such a pointless show. Who in their right mind would marry someone they have never met? Just to be on a tv show! I’ve never watched an episode ever, just bits and pieces when they advertise it. And the dinners they have, such nasty people with no respect, no respect for others. They’re all plastic fake people trying to get on the fame train. Tv shows and magazines like New Idea provide the train ticket. Disgusting!


  • I haven’t watched a single esp, the show has high viewings so I don’t think it’ll get axed


  • I don’t know this show and reading this I’ve no desire watching it.


  • They should left the show, channel nine kept them there for good tv


  • will be glad it they axe it, it is rubbish


  • Didn’t like they got to stay, wrong message


  • I am disgusted and saddened at the mafs debautchery of marriage and condoning of adultery, wife and husband cheating and all for ratings. What the hell happened to morals, absolute disgrace. PLEASE boycott as I certainly will. This train wreck was sickening from the beginning. These matches are made for ratings and shock value. I know personally people connected some of these people are disgusting in the real world, making them great for the deceit we all just sat through. First and last time I will watch this joke of life !!!!


  • I’m over it and won’t be watching anymore.


  • I’m on the fence. I almost feel like it wasn’t cheating as both their relationships seemed to be over.


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