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I’ve seen a few of these bracelets posted on Pinterest and they always get my attention because they look amazing and who would have thought of making a bracelet from a popsicle stick??!!

We decided to give it a go and so we tried a few methods of preparing the popsicle stick so it would bend without snapping.

We realised that the most effective method was to place the sticks (we used a few just in case some snapped, the success rate was about 80%) in a saucepan of boiling water for an hour to make them quite pliable.

You’ll need to keep topping up the water levels but they were quite soft after an hour at boiling point!

Use your imagination with the decorations, we used washi tape and beads but I’ve seen some great designs wrapping multiple coloured thread around the bands. Paint, crayons, stickers….whatever tickles your fancy really!


  • Popsicle sticks (we used the slightly wider ones, approximately 2cm wide)
  • Saucepan & water
  • Narrow glass (try use a glass similar size to the wrist it’s for)
  • Washi tape, thread, paint – whichever you choose, they all look fabulous
  • Hole punch (only if you want to add beads)
  • String
  • Beads


1. Place the popsicle sticks in a saucepan of boiling water and set the timer for an hour. Remember to keep checking that the water levels are kept up. This is absolutely a job for an adult as boiling water and kids is a big no no!

2. After the timer has gone off, test that the sticks are quite soft. Start to very gently bend them in a U shape but don’t force it or they will snap.

3. Once it resemles a U, gently place it inside a glass to set the shape.


4. Leave the sticks in the glass overnight in a dry/sunny position to set.Remove the sticks from the glass and use a hole punch to punch small holes in each end.

5. Decorate the bands with tape and finish off by threading some string and beads through the end holes to decorate.


A beautiful gift for mothers day that the kids will enjoy making and decorating!

All images courtesy of the contributor, Jade Stapleton.
  • Goodness me, I’ve never seen them before. They’re fabulous, thanks for the instructions. I’m always amazed at how people actually come up with these ideas.


  • where did you get the big sticks from? I might give this a go

    • I found the thicker popsicle sticks in Riot Craft, but I also noticed some in Spotlight the other day.


  • Beautiful gift for little princess 🙂


  • That is an awesome idea and fun and clever to make with my girls as well, they will really enjoy themselves. Thanks!


  • these are lovely and so easy to make


  • these are great – didn’t even pick that they were made of popsicle sticks


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