
A pregnant supermodel has called out body shamers, who left vile comments following her appearance at Miami Swim Week.

Iskra Lawrence, who has more than five and a half million Instagram followers, shared a series of photos from the runway, which included some of the comments left by keyboard warriors.

Iskra Lawrence

Iskra Lawrence

They included one person commenting, “To call her a ‘model’ is a travesty to those who take care of themselves and look beautiful. Being round and loose was a woke attempt at the special group being falsely beautiful.”

While another said, “A terrible example to young women.”

And the comments continued:

“I’m happy that the chubbers are getting a representative, but do we have to see it?”

“There is nothing aspirational about wanting to look like Iskra”

“Good grief, put it away. Vile.”

Iskra, who is six months pregnant, addressed the comments, commenting, “I’m still in disbelief that in 2024 (and with everything going on in the world) that fat shaming a pregnant woman seemed like the best use of your time?”

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A post shared by Iskra Lawrence (@iskra)

The British model says she’s more proud of her body than ever after trying to conceive.

“I do want to thank these trolls for being so obsessed with me they made commenting on my big, fat, pregnant body their biggest priority. So impressive you have nothing more important to do.”

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  • People are just horrible, social media is just an awful place. Trolls need to just get a life.


  • Absolutely digusting – those comments make me wonder about the mental state of mind of these people.


  • That’s the worst thing about the internet. People sit at their keyboard and nit-pick others because they don’t have a supermodel figure. It’s people like them who drive others to self harm or to commit suicide. If you can’t say anything nice about someone, skip the page and DON’T leave any comment.


  • I feel so ashamed at the human race sometimes. I truely cannot understand how some people can be so nasty. She looks stunning!


  • Keyboard warriors. Just disgusting comments. There is no excuse ever.


  • I will never understand why people call pregnant women fat. It’s not the same thing at all. She looks lovely.


  • That is so horrible for people to post such awful comments and not at all ok. If she still wants to model her body being pregnant good on her. There is no shame in doing so in my opinion. Each pregnancy is a miracle in itself, it should be embraced not shamed.


  • There’s no need for nastiness ever, however, not so sure she should necessarily be modelling swimwear…


  • I honestly have no idea how or why people can be so nasty. Honestly, why though?


  • I think when you put yourself out there like that you’d have to learn that trolls are everywhere and simple not engage with it. Any reaction is fueling them.


  • Ugly and vile comments from people are not worthy of much thought and head space. Always, shake off the the ugly and negative comments. She is living her best life and doing what she loves; the best response for negative people.


  • Fatshaming a pregnant woman ? No words !


  • Why do people ahve to be so cruel. She looks so happy!


  • She’s definitely glowing! I can never understand why some people need to criticise everything and everyone they see online. You’re entitled to your opinion but no one is really interested in it


  • She looks absolutely healthy and well to me!


  • l support not embracing unhealthy ideals. But she is pregnant, she is fine! How hard for her.


  • A lot of those comments seemed like they were too dopey to even realise she was pregnant. I think she looked gorgeous.


  • She is absolutely gorgeous. Adult content really has rotted the brain of to many ‘men’.


  • OMG trolls are so nasty. Why do people have to be so cruel. If you have nothing nice to say then don’t say it. Good on her for calling this out.


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