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This could be regarded as a community announcement.

For all the parents who have only just started their journey of raising children, you must start stockpiling now, you never know when these things will go up in price.

One day you will be stranded without them. If you think there is an abundance of these things, you’re wrong. Your children will show you. There is no such thing as too many of the items I should have stockpiled before I had kids.

Toilet Paper

In my home, it’s a magical mystery where all the toilet paper goes. I’m surprised our toilet hasn’t caused some sort of explosion in the nearby water pipes. It seems like every time I visit the toilet, I’m yelling out for someone to grab yet another pack of toilet rolls out of the cupboard. I should have purchased shares in a toilet paper company.

Baby Wipes

Baby wipes should be called ‘everything wipes’. If you haven’t had a birdbath with a baby wipe, you’re doing motherhood better than I am. I’m usually wiping out the cooties in my car between traffic stops, cleaning the crumbs out of my bra, trying to make my children look presentable – all with a baby wipe. They are magical things.

Headphones & Sunglasses

It seems my small children just can’t keep their little hands off them. Once I found a set of headphones tied to my office chair. My sunglasses, I can’t leave them anywhere. Children will sit on them, even if you leave them somewhere ‘unsittable’. Then, there are the kids that open them so far up they snap the handles off.


Remember when a tank of petrol would last a whole week? Not anymore. Between school drops, after school sports and leisure, petrol flows freely from my car. Of course, children think petrol grows on trees and my car is a taxi, this is life as a parent.

Anything Cool

I’m loving all the new gadgets that come out, Like a selfie stick. I just wanted to be cool for a minute. But no, my daughter broke my selfie stick. R.I.P Selfie Stick , you didn’t want to be a fishing rod, but you were faithful to the cause. You are in Selfie Stick heaven with every other cool thing my children have broken.

So there you have it, you know what you have to do. Build a storage room. Fill it with toilet paper and enjoy peaceful moments on the lavatory without having to scream the mystery question, “Who used all the toilet paper this time?”

What would you stock up on? Share with us in the comments.

  • Very clever – think how much easier it would have been in the old days – lol – doubt it somehow.


  • Ha ha ha, love this article, how very true. I think a lot of us can relate.


  • Haha, these are all so funny and true. Who knew you’d run out of these so often until you’ve actually had children.


  • Toilet Paper – most definitely!
    Sunglasses – yes
    Toothpaste, Room deodorising spray (especially when you have a sick baby/toddler/child/husband) and Towels are another items to stockpile


  • A little tip for those moms who seem to be the only ones that change the toilet roll. Purchase the double rolls … you change them less often. 🙂
    Oh OK two tips: have a second toilet roll holder ….double rolls = 4 ordinary rolls …awesome :-).
    Happy days moms.


  • I think this sounds great a real good idea


  • yep, stock up on the things that won’t ‘go off’. Toilet paper, tissues, laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid, wipes and nappies-buy them when they are on special and you will save a bucket load in the long run.


  • A good idea if you can afford to do so.


  • Baby wipes can be used by ladies to remove makeup and works as well as other products do for a fraction of the price. I know of couples who stock up on toilet paper, laundry detergent, liquid soap and a few other items which won’t “go off” when there are at good special prices regardless of whether they are thinking of starting a family or not. Buy a large pack of Kleenex Toilet Paper and you’d be astounded how much per roll you save. Some brands are not soft enough for women and can cause infections such as thrush.


  • I buy toilet paper in bulk as we always seem to run out of it – so I would suggest stockpile that toilet paper!


  • I never stock piled, simply bought more as I ran out. I’m amazed the mum below makes a 4 pack of toilet roll last a week! I’m not sure we do that and there’s only 2 of us


  • Lol, I never stock piled these things before I started a family. We have 3 toilets but when I buy 1 4-pack of toilet roll every week, we sure have enough. Idem for baby wipes, I just buy 1 pack a week. No stock piling required 😉

    • Ah lol, I see ! Why in the world did they edit it ?!


  • Stock pile on sleeping in days! And money ! Oh that disposable income I spent prior to kids is embarrassing.


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