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Jessica McLaren was like any other expecting mum heading into her 20 week pregnancy scan, excited and nervous. But nothing could have prepared her for what was to come.

The 31-year-old Queensland mum says a follow-up after the scan left her devastated.

“At our scan we left leaving thinking everything was OK,” she explained. “It was a couple of days later my GP requested to speak to me urgently and delivered the news over the phone that our baby boy had gastroschisis,” she said.

Jessica and her husband Christopher, 34, were told their baby boy had a rare defect – his stomach and bowels were outside of his body, coming through a hold in his abdominal wall.

“After the phone call, I started researching the birth defect and this is when the panic and fear truly set in,” Jessica said.

“The images online of gastroschisis are very confronting. I immediately called my husband and we both took the next couple of days off work to process the news. All you want and wish for is a healthy baby and to be delivered such news was devastating.”





The couple was also told there was nothing that could be done to help their baby, until after he was born.

“As Harrison’s bowels and stomach were dilated, surgeons were not able to perform surgery until they were able to fit his organs back inside his body,” she said.

“Surgery happened three days after he was born and was very successful. From here the journey ahead was getting his organs functioning properly and to be able to tolerate milk.”

Doctors at Mater Mother’s Hospital told the couple that the survival rate for a child with gastroschisis is more than 90 per cent – but to be prepared for the possibility of losing baby Harrison as the defect could lead to further complications in life.

“All you want and wish for is a healthy baby and to be delivered such news was devastating,” Jessica said.

Harrison remained in hospital for almost a month after his birth, recovery and gaining strength.

“Having to leave the hospital without Harrison was extremely taxing on my mental health – walking out of those hospital doors without Harry in my arms was an emptiness I have never experienced,” Jessica said.

Image credit: Peter Wallis


Image credit: Peter Wallis


Harrison is now a thriving eight-month-old, thanks to the incredible work of the multidisciplinary neonatal intensive care team at Mater Mothers’ and the paediatric surgical team from Queensland Children’s Hospital.

“He is most definitely our miracle. He made the most incredible recovery. To say that Harrison is strong and resilient would be an understatement.”

  • What an amazing story to tell at his 21st.
    We are so very lucky that we have so many options medically that just were not available a few years ago. We advance so quickly medically and even recently we have a man leaving hospital with a heart buit from items purchased at bunnings


  • Wonderful news. Hopefully it’s smooth sailing for them now.


  • Amazing work by the healthcare team. Happy baby. Wishing the family well.


  • Wow – some years ago there would have been no hope for a baby born with this problem. I do hope and pray that no future problems will befall young Harrison who looks such a healthy 8-month old now. Best of luck.


  • That is such wonderful news to hear that he is now doing so well. It was terrible to have gone through this but I’m sure you’ve given a lot of Mother’s out there hope and strength that miracles are possible.


  • Wow. How wonderful that we have access to health services that were able to fix this. Wishing Harrison a long and healthy life.


  • Good that this baby was born in this day & age, imagine what would have happened if he was born 50-100 years earlier…


  • This must have been really scary. I’m glad he is recovering.


  • Look at that gorgeous healthy bubba!! What a story and well done to the family for sharing.


  • What a little fighter. It would have been so hard hearing your baby was unwell, but I am so thrilled he is thriving now. He is so adorable


  • The Mater Hospitals Neo Natal ward was the best place to be. They doctors and nurses there are wonderful. Best wishes to the family.


  • What a wonderful story to read. It is so great to hear he is doing so well. What a journey for such a young age.


  • What a strong and brave little boy- so glad for the happy ending!


  • What a wonderful outcome for a sweet baby boy and a big relief for his parents. Hope he continues to thrive in good health.


  • So good to hear that he was able to be operated on so soon after birth and that the operation was succesful !


  • Not a message that should have been delivered per phone I think

    • Medical messages should not be delivered over the phone, shocking news to receive in this manner.


  • Pleased it has been a successful outcome.


  • Amazing outcome – good news for them and i wish them well


  • This would have been so worrying for this family. I’m glad he had such a successful surgery 🙂


  • Gosh, such great news!
    We’re so lucky to have these surgeons who do such a great job day in and day out.


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