
Creative Gourmet Frozen Fruit Blueberries
4.5 from 200 star ratings
99% would add to their trolley
  • So versatile

    4.5 out of 5

    Love having some of these in the freezer. Can be used in so many things. Added to a cake, on top of my yoghurt for breakfast or even defrosted as a snack with cheese and crackers

  • Yummy

    4.5 out of 5

    Love love love these blue berries. I use them in smoothies muffins and cakes. My 1 year old eats them frozen. Abit messy but he loves them.

  • Always keep one in the freezer

    4 out of 5

    Perfect for chia puddings, smoothies or drinks! When you have kids having berries in the freezer is a must and these are great! So verastile

  • Great for smoothies

    4 out of 5

    We have all the Gourmet berries at one time or another and they are all fantastic for smoothies and baking. Sometimes the fruit can be a little tart but that’s expected of seasonal fruit. They seal up well for next time and they hold their texture when baked in muffins or pies.

  • Awesome

    5 out of 5

    An easy alternative to fresh fruit which seems to get eaten way too fast in my house. Tastes fresh and delicious, juicy and nice for baking.

  • Great for baking and smoothies

    4 out of 5

    These are a great addition to use in smoothies or baking when you can’t get fresh ones. They taste great, easy to find in the supermarket. Buy frequently.

  • Berrylicious

    5 out of 5

    The frozen creative gourmet blueberries is a great product to use in baking and also smoothies. It is readily available in the frozen section.

  • Available all year round

    5 out of 5

    Creative Gourmet Frozen Blueberries are readily available all year round. I love consuming them for breakfast with cereal and yoghurt, or adding them to my dessert such as a cheesecake or muffin. But best of all I love them in my smoothies, knowing I’m providing my body with the antioxidants needed for an added nutritious breakfast.

  • Healthy treat

    4.5 out of 5

    Frozen berries are always handy for me when I can’t find fresh one. Always use in custards, yogurt and cereals. Good antioxidants for whole family.

  • Great!

    5 out of 5

    Perfect to put into smoothies, kids can be a little fussy when it comes to fruit and veg intake, no different taste to fresh berries.

  • Perfect!

    5 out of 5

    These frozen blue berries are yum! I used these in my protein shakes and they’re the best, even though they’re frozen they’re so fresh

  • Easy

    5 out of 5

    When baking muffins these were so easy to use. I had run out of fresh one for the kids lunch so I put some frozen ones in knowing it would be ready for him at lunch. He said he loved how it had a yummy taste and was still cold.

  • Great taste

    5 out of 5

    These are great for making smoothies or haven’t them on your morning cereal, they are affordable and come is bags that can be zipped clothed so no spills happen. Great product

  • Love Blueberries?

    5 out of 5

    If you love blueberry muffins, you’ll love this product. So quick and easy and you don’t have to deal with the sometimes exorbitant price of fresh blueberries. These are always available and you can just keep the in the freezer to use as needed. Obviously they can be used in other recipes as well.

  • Love

    4.5 out of 5

    I love this product as an alternative to fresh blueberries which can often be expensive!
    I use these in muffins and smoothies and they always have a great sweet taste!

  • Great option

    4 out of 5

    Perfect for putting in shakes and also muffins. While also not hitting the pocket as much as the fresh fruit.

  • Great Brand

    4.5 out of 5

    The Creative Gourmet brand is pretty good and has a good variety of frozen fruit. Love the blueberries to have on-hand and the other products.

  • love these

    5 out of 5

    Great brand – will buy these from time to time when they go on special.
    Use them straight from frozen in my cakes/bakes to ensure blueberry stays intact

  • Great product

    4.5 out of 5

    Love these frozen bluenerrys. Absolutely perfect for smoothys just add a banana blueberrys honey, yoghurt and milk blits up for a yummy treat. So much cheaper than buying the fresh ones too .

  • Fantastic item

    4.5 out of 5

    Fantastic item!! Great for adding to berries & smoothies. Works out alot cheaper then fresh ones.

  • Great but expensive

    4 out of 5

    I love these when they are half price. The frozen quality is better than any others but I can’t justify the price when they’re not on special. Great for smoothies or in baking.

  • An essential in the freezer!

    4.5 out of 5

    An essential in the freezer, the frozen blueberries are perfect for smoothies, smoothie bowls or on top of yoghurt. They are affordable, and are just as nutritious as fresh blueberries! Highly recommend this brand too!

  • Smoothie essential

    5 out of 5

    I have these in my smoothies like every day. So much cheaper than buying fresh ones and actually way better having frozen ones for smoothies

  • Great blueberries

    5 out of 5

    I always have frozen blueberries in my freezer as I find they’re cheaper and more convenient than fresh. I throw them in smoothies and oatmeal for the whole family.

  • Perfect for the freezer

    5 out of 5

    I love these frozen blueberries! I always have them in my freezer ready for smoothies. They were great to have the blueberries were super expensive or impossible to get! My kids love them so they’re always in my freezer.

  • Great product

    4.5 out of 5

    They are usually pricey but I wait when they go on special and it’s always nice having them in the freezer for baking, smoothies and even my pup loves them in her breakfast. Our freezer is always stocked up with these yummies

  • Quite good

    3.5 out of 5

    A nice frozen blueberry packet. A little pricey for a frozen fruit but its gourmet and does the job. I’ve used it in baking and just as a snack

  • Blueberry

    5 out of 5

    Frozen blueberries are perfect to blend up with some other fruits for my little girl for a snack quick and easy and reasonable price aswell

  • Smoothie lover approved

    4 out of 5

    Honestly, a smoothie isn’t a smoothie without frozen blueberries! They’re the perfect antioxidant-filled treat too. I would go back to using this brand every single time.

  • Yum!

    5 out of 5

    I love these frozen Blueberries. I use them for so many different things. Perfect in a smoothie especially during winter when fresh blueberries aren’t available. They are always on my shopping list.

  • Love

    4.5 out of 5

    Awesome I’m my morning smoothie.? Fresh, tasty, so healthy and best of all, the kids love them as much as I do. Must definitely recommend

  • Blueberry shakes

    5 out of 5

    Used these in a shake last night for dessert – just as good as fresh fruit! We mixed in some icecream and milk and it was an absolute treat

  • Sooo delicious

    3.5 out of 5

    This product is my go thing pretty much every single day. Love it

  • Great

    4 out of 5

    These are great berries. Frozen means you don’t need to rush to use them. They are nice and plump, yummy on yogurt or in a smoothie. I just don’t purchase regularly unless on sale as they are much more expensive than the store brands which are the same to me

  • Super convenient nd tatsty

    5 out of 5

    I always have a packet or two of these in my freezer to use in juices/smoothies ( my kids eat them straight out of the packet) They are really good. I usually stock up when they are half price at Coles which is quite often

  • Staple

    4.5 out of 5

    Frozen fruit is a pantry staple in our household. Can’t go without it! The blueberries are great for smoothies, baking, porridge, overnight oats or a quick snack over yogurt !

  • Convenient

    4.5 out of 5

    Frozen blueberries are so convenient, as you don’t need to worry about them going off! We use these in oats, which go great, although my son ends up eating quite a few frozen before they get to the bowl to be cooked!

  • Great idea

    5 out of 5

    These are the best idea. I bought a heap on sale and they keep in the freezer for a long time. They come out awesome. Not like fresh picked so you need to cook with them or make smoothies but great in muffins and as they defrost the kids ate half of them.

  • Great blueberries

    5 out of 5

    These are great to keep in the freezer to add to so many meals. Our favourites are to add these to smoothies, muffins, pancakes, oats, and pastries. Very versatile.

  • Easy, convenient addition to any recipe

    5 out of 5

    I always seem to have a pack handy in the freezer ready to go when i feel like baking with my toddler, it’s always a fun experience. These blueberries are always fresh and are always a decent size, very sweet and not bitter. Blueberry muffins or Friands are our favourite to make with these blueberries, the resealable packaging makes it even better. I recommend trying these lovely little blue fruits.

  • Perfect addition

    4.5 out of 5

    We love these. Perfect addition to a smoothie or added in with banana bread. Delicious and the kids love being able to keep having blueberries in the off season.

  • Blueberry goodness

    4.5 out of 5

    Wow I love these frozen blueberries so handy to have in the freezer.
    I use them for muffins pancakes and smoothies I must say they taste so good not watery at all

  • Amazing

    4.5 out of 5

    This is my goto brand for any fruit. My kids like to defrost them and eat them all the time and they still taste amazing but i love adding them into a smoothies

  • Delicious blueberries!

    5 out of 5

    These are perfect for smoothies, to add to my sons oats/porridge or I let them defrost and squish them down and he eats him. He likes the cold taste on his gums!

  • Perfect for smoothies

    5 out of 5

    We love frozen blueberries. Great for smoothies and baking. These are so sweet and yummy.

  • Perfect and convenient

    5 out of 5

    We all love to make smoothies each day and these blueberries are delicious. I also love to add them to my oats with some banana.

  • Love these

    5 out of 5

    My son absolutely loves to eat these straight out of the freezer. They are the best snack for a hot day

  • Delicious

    3.5 out of 5

    It’s great to add to yoghurt or to your morning porridge

  • Great for smoothies

    3.5 out of 5

    These creative gourmet fruit blueberries are great to add to a smoothy and dessert dishes. They taste like blueberries and even taste great by themselves. Love having these handy in the freezer.

  • They fine

    3.5 out of 5

    It’s eatable product, whatever had some bad quality individual fruits that I has to discard.

  • Great product

    3.5 out of 5

    These frozen blueberries are great, they taste awesome and bake nicely into pies. The only negative is that they are a lot more expensive than the supermarket branded ones.

  • Buy all the time

    5 out of 5

    These are my go to frozen blueberries, never had an issue with them and regularly find them I’m good specials.

  • Super convenient

    5 out of 5

    I love how super convenient these blue berries are. I use them in baking and smoothies for busy little toddlers plus it makes counting fun too for them. Sensory fun.

  • Delicious

    5 out of 5

    Tastes just like fresh blueberries, can be eaten straight from the packet or defrosted. They are a little bit expensive but definitely worth it for the taste.

  • Perfect for baked goods and smoothies!

    5 out of 5

    I first purchased these when I couldn’t find them in any supermarkets. They work well in baked goods and are also delicious in smoothies and juices

  • Convenient

    4.5 out of 5

    When the item isn’t available fresh this is the perfect substitute. Great quality and a very reasonable price. Handy to have in the freezer ready to add to baking, smoothies or as a breakfast topper. These frozen blueberries have not disappointed me yet.

  • easy and yummy for smoothies

    5 out of 5

    these are super easy and yummy in smoothies. I usually add Greek yoghurt, the frozen raspberries and frozen strawberries together and my kids love it! I usually have it for breaky too with oats :)

  • Freshly frozen

    5 out of 5

    I really like these frozen blueberries they are freshly frozen so you can see how fresh they look, they’re spot on for adding to yoghurt or breakfast

  • Perfect for when it’s out of season

    5 out of 5

    I like to stock up on this when it goes on sale. It’s great to chuck a handful in to make a yummy smoothie. Also good to blitz up with frozen banana to make a healthy ice cream alternative

  • Great alternative for fresh

    5 out of 5

    These blueberries are my go to when they aren’t in season. It’s so easy to pop a handful on top of some porridge or in a cake mix. Definitely a staple in our freezer

  • Yum

    4 out of 5

    These frozen berries are great to have on hand for smoothies or on top of muesli with natural yoghurt. A firm favourite in our family.

  • Delicious

    4 out of 5

    These frozen blueberries are wonderful to buy when they are out of season in Australia. They’re gourmet, high quality and taste delicious plain and in baked goods.

  • Yummo

    4 out of 5

    Perfectly delicious for Smoothies and pancakes, or just to be eaten frozen for the teething baby, Yummo. Love how they are easy to use and can have them on hand all year round.

  • Fruit Smoothie

    4.5 out of 5

    Love how easy and convenient these are when on the run to make a quick breakfast smoothie the kids love

  • Healthy and convenient

    5 out of 5

    I’ve started doing a lot of baking at home and I can’t resist these little frozen balls of goodness to add to my culinary treats, they really are sensational!

  • Tasty blueberries!

    5 out of 5

    Creative Gourmet Frozen Fruit Blueberries are great for baking and smoothies all year round. They hold their flavour, shape, colour and I always have some ready to go.

  • Frozen fruit blueberries

    5 out of 5

    My step-daughter loves these. She uses them to make smoothies as well as just having them as a bowl of fruit. Usually get a couple of meals/drinks from one packet

  • Sweet and juicy

    5 out of 5

    Love how handy this product is. From a quick arvo snack for the kids to baking muffins and adding to smoothies. So fresh, so juicy and an absolute must to have in the freezer.

  • Nice

    3.5 out of 5

    Not a big fan of blueberries but these are great for my fruit smoothies and they stay nice and cold and blitz really well. Just enough in the bag too and a good price.

  • Blueberries on hand for my baking treats!

    4.5 out of 5

    I always have a packet in my freezer, as I use them regularly in my cooking & makes it so easy for the spare of moment treats!

  • Cheaper alternative to overpriced blueberries

    5 out of 5

    Now that fresh blueberries are back to being expensive again, we have resorted back to frozen blueberries again. And these are just as good., but not if defrosted as it becomes soggy and not very nice. Eating them frozen is like popping mini balls of ice block into your mouth..and it tastes especially yummy with yoghurt!

  • Delicious

    5 out of 5

    Delicious selection of blueberries no matter what season we are in. I always have some in the freezer for a quick snack or to use in my smoothies, deserts, baking & cereal toppings.

  • Juicy

    5 out of 5

    It is good quality blueberries.

  • Nice!

    4 out of 5

    Creative Gourmet blueberries are are a handy option for the freezer.Great for for last minute desserts and such a joy to eat with vanilla ice cream!

  • Always have some in the freezer

    5 out of 5

    My kids love blueberries but they’re always so expensive and when I do buy them 9 timed out of 10 my kids forget they’re there! So I always make sure I have a pack of frozen blueberries in the freezer. They’re fantastic for baking, smoothies, homemade ice blocks, juices. My kids love to eat them straight out of the pack but only problem is they’re messy and stain very easily ????

  • Perfect addition to baking

    5 out of 5

    My boys love homemade muffins. Frozen blueberries are one of the favs. Blueberry and white chocolate or blueberry and coconut, either way, they go down a treat

  • Good for the price

    4 out of 5

    We usually opt for organic snap frozen berries but these are great and affordable in a pinch. We stock up on these often and they’re super yummy!

  • Great for smoothies and muffins

    5 out of 5

    This is a product I always have a bag or two of in the freezer. I use these plump blueberries nearly every day either in my smoothies or in my baking while hubby uses them for his cereal. Oh, and did I mention the blueberry cheesecake.

  • A staple in our freezie

    4.5 out of 5

    These berries are a staple in our freezer mainly using them for smoothies.
    We would prefer to have fresh berries but that’s not always possible so happy to have these on hand.

  • Everyday for the fam

    5 out of 5

    Love how convenient and tasty these are, we use these everyday for the big kids and littles. We always give them a quick rinse and then straight into our cereal, smoothies or extra topping for yoghurt and muesli. These go quickly in out house.

  • Great for smoothies and baking

    5 out of 5

    These frozen blueberries are a freezer must have for us… we make blueberry pancakes, smoothies even white choc and blueberry muffins!! Great quality and my kids love to eat them on ice team too

  • Great taste and colour

    4 out of 5

    I use these in my smoothies and cheesecakes they keep their colour and there are so many things they can be added to they’re great.

  • Good Buy

    3 out of 5

    I brought these to add into my morning shakes and they give a nice taste and easy to blend into my shakes. These are a good buy.

  • Love

    5 out of 5

    I love putting frozen berries in my smoothies and these are perfect! Easy to use and ready to go, I would be lost without them

  • Good in smoothies

    4 out of 5

    These are a great way to buy them. I always have some in my freezer just in case I want to make myself a smoothie or do some baking

  • More flavour

    5 out of 5

    I normally buy other frozen blueberries, but I had to get these ones this time. I found them to be a bit bigger in size and have slightly more flavour in them compared to other brands

  • Delicious

    4.5 out of 5

    Just as good as fresh, if a little soggier after thawing. Great for smoothies or muffins. Long shelf life as they’re frozen, minimising wastage. Brilliant

  • Always use these

    5 out of 5

    I love these blue berries, I always buy this brand. I find the quality and Taste are always great. The price is reasonable too.

  • Yum

    3.5 out of 5

    Love these blueberries in my smoothie each morning. Having a bag in my freezer is so convenient to grab out when craving these even for a snack.

  • Blueberries

    5 out of 5

    Blueberries are truly a yummy food to eat! Blueberries are delicious in a wide range of recipes. These frozen blueberries are so good to have in the freezer.

  • Great

    5 out of 5

    I had to get these over covid when frozen fruit was like gold. You pay more than other brands but they are nice and have a nice flavour still

  • Ok

    3 out of 5

    Double the price of the home brand blue berries and to be honest i can’t really tell the difference using them in a smoothie. Nice berries though

  • Perfect for smoothies

    4.5 out of 5

    I have been putting these in my smoothies for 8 years… they are delicious and also perfect to make blueberry pies with. I always have a bag of these in our freezer.

  • Great For Smoothies and Yoghurt

    5 out of 5

    Love blueberries because they have so many health benefits, and they taste great!

    Frozen blueberries are great because they are so cold they are perfect for smoothies and yogurt.
    I enjoy a mix of frozen and fresh fruits together. This brand is a bit more expensive than other frozen blueberries available for the same size so I only purchase it when it’s on sale.

  • Very Fresh Berries

    4.5 out of 5

    I really enjoy these in smoothies and putting these in my cereal. Also work well in blueberry muffins and thawed out to eat on their own.

  • Blueberries Are A Health Benefit

    5 out of 5

    I put blueberries into my smoothies everyday. So convenient and easily stored in my freezer.
    They have been shown to protect against heart disease and cancer especially, and can help maintain bone strength, mental health and healthful blood pressure.
    They have a sweet flavour, and very nutritious.
    A cup of blueberries provides 24% of a person recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.
    I prefer fresh blueberries in summer, but always keep frozen in my freezer.

  • Convenient and tasty

    4 out of 5

    Love these as they are so convenient to pop into my morning smoothie or into a plain muffin mix. Also taste great on top of pancakes for a treat.

  • Keep their shape and are yummo

    4 out of 5

    Love these. Apart from the $8 a pack price tag, these are the next best thing to real raw fruit. I have found that they keep their shape and defrost really well unlike other brands.

  • Plump juicy berries

    4 out of 5

    These berries are plump and full of sweet, tangy, juicy flavour. As they are frozen fresh, they retain their nutritional value and versatile to use in smoothies, cakes, ice cream or eat from the pack.

  • Yummy

    5 out of 5

    These blueberries are yummy. We like them on porridge for breakfast and sometimes just eat them frozen for snacks. We have also used them in muffins and they are delicious

  • Tasty

    4.5 out of 5

    I love the gourmet range of frozen berries. My kid’s especially love these as a treat and will happily demolish the whole packet if I don’t stop them!

  • Great!

    5 out of 5

    These are in our weekly grocery order. They are great for morning oats for breakfast or in fruit smoothies. They also go great in ice cream!

  • Best for smoothies!

    3.5 out of 5

    Sometimes, I LOVE blueberries, other times I can take them or leave them. Having them pre-washed and in the freezer for those LOVE times is convenience at its very best. The Creative Gourmet Frozen Blueberries are big in size, beautiful in colour and sweet in flavour. Absolutely perfect for the summer fruit smoothie.

  • Blueberry goodness

    4.5 out of 5

    Some frozen berriesAre all stuck together and you have to try to separate chunks of berries to get what you want. I’ve found that these berries stay as they should be and easy to pour out for smoothies or to put on top of chia puddings and porridge

  • Gourmet Bluberry breakfast

    5 out of 5

    I LOVE blueberry Chia pudding for breakfast mix frozen Gourmet Blueberries with chia seeds & Coconut milk -refrigerate overnight or GOURMET Blueberry breakfast muffing for busy mornings on the go.

  • Great berries for smoothies

    4 out of 5

    I love this frozen blueberries and have purchased them to use in my families morning smoothies or afternoon smoothie snacks. Yummy and don’t notice they’re frozen not fresh.

  • These are the best

    4.5 out of 5

    We live these expecially in smoothies they are the best

  • Easy to store and lasts ages

    4.5 out of 5

    Love these because you can just keep them ready to go in your freezer. I love to soak them in oats over night and eat in the morning! It’s what I can use all year round as blueberries only have a short season

  • Affordable and delicious

    4.5 out of 5

    The blueberries were a perfect addition to my smoothie , good price and Super tasty

  • Delicious

    4.5 out of 5

    So easy and delicious, love that they are great to eat frozen or defrosted/ Great hit with the kids as well. Perfect to cook with, eat frozen or chuck in some yoghurt!

  • Tasty blueberries

    5 out of 5

    These blueberries are quite tasty. They still have a good texture to them. I have put them in my smoothies in the mornings. The kids also like them in the Yoyonanas machine.

  • Staple in our house

    4 out of 5

    My freezer is always stocked with these berries. So versatile, I use them in baking , for breakfasts or my kids love them frozen . Great taste and great value

  • Blueberries

    5 out of 5

    I use Blueberries in so many recipes. Muffins,smoothies,cakes and cherry slices I always put blueberries in just to add that extra taste. Frozen on ice cream or on yogurt.

  • yummy in my tummy

    5 out of 5

    so handy to have in the freezer for smoothies or impromptu desserts! Good to know that they are frozen straight away with no nasties added

  • Yummy

    5 out of 5

    These are great. I use them in a smoothie almost every day. Blend up nicely and make it cold. Also used them for baking. Much cheaper option then fresh berries

  • Lovely Blueberries with plenty of taste

    4.5 out of 5

    We eat these blueberries on our breakfast every morning, and I add them to my lunchtime smoothies. The berries are of really good quality and I have never purchased a bad bag. They are quite expensive and that is their only downfall. If they were the same price as the Supermarket brand I would give them 5 stars! I always have a pack on hand in the freezer.

  • Frozen fruit blueberries

    4.5 out of 5

    Me and the kids loved this product, nice and sweet and they are full of flavour ????

  • Not so nice.

    1.5 out of 5

    These frozen blueberries are not as nice as they used to be. They were once bigger and tastier. Lately they have been smaller and not nearly as nice. I have found little sticks in the bag too….Never used to ????

  • They have been called!

    0.5 out of 5

    I’m scared to buy any Creative Gourmet products-they have been recalled too many times! I prefer the Coles brand!

  • Fresh and fabulous

    4.5 out of 5

    These are our favourite frozen blueberries-they are fresh and don’t have that yucky ‘frozen’ flavour that’s what makes them fabulous

  • great for smoothies

    5 out of 5

    I use these with the raspberries and just add whilst still frozen to milk and make a thick smoothie. they are great, taste fresh and so easy for a meal on the run

  • freezer must have

    5 out of 5

    blueberries are a must have in the freezer. you can put them in so many things like smoothies, pancakes, muffins, yogurt. quick simple easy and tasty

  • We love our frozen blueberries

    4.5 out of 5

    These are great. I use them in smoothies and they taste great. The kids love to eat them straight out the packet and seem to really like them too. The price is reasonable and they regularly come on special (who doesn’t love a good special).

  • Great to bake with

    4.5 out of 5

    We use these in baking a lot, they’re also good in smoothies. Almost always come out not stuck together which is why I favour this brand

  • Delicious

    3.5 out of 5

    We love Creative Gourmet and always stock up when they are on sale at the shops. These are great to bake with or in a smoothie!

  • Love blueberries!

    5 out of 5

    I really love blueberries but they can get expensive fresh. These frozen ones are great for smoothies, desserts and breakfasts. They’re a good price too.

  • Household staple

    5 out of 5

    This is a household staple
    Always have this stocked in my freezer
    For smoothies for both my kids
    Great quality berries
    Great brand
    Trusted brand
    Full flavour

  • Yum

    4.5 out of 5

    This product is so tasty. The blue berries taste amazing haven’t lost flavour and tastes great as a snack or in smoothies

  • Great for smoothies

    3.5 out of 5

    These are great for smoothies and can be used in cooking for cakes and muffins. Along with the raspberries great to have frozen when not in season.

  • Great healthy treat

    4 out of 5

    My kids love this,
    They are a great alternative to icy poles on a hot day.
    Also super yum in smoothies.
    Great value for money

  • Convenient

    4 out of 5

    Sealed in a pack that you can put in the freeze and grab out what you need. They are easy to defrost either in the fridge or if you desperately need them (like i do) i quickly zap them up in the microwave. I love having them in my breaky smoothie.

  • So handy

    5 out of 5

    I love having frozen fruit in the freezer.
    Always at hand for a quick smoothie, or a quick batch of muffins.

  • Keep forever

    5 out of 5

    It’s always good to have fresh fruits however it’s not always ideal. We keep a pack of blueberries in the freezer for convince and Creative Gourmet have the best fruit

  • Makes life easy!

    5 out of 5

    Love this product, amazing for smoothies and also for and cold snack for little ones

  • Just blueberries

    4.5 out of 5

    This product is exactly what it says it is. Fresh snapped frozen blueberries. It is easy to use for smoothies, cooking and other things when mixed together. Not so good on it’s own just as fruit alone as it is quite watery.

  • Perfect for smoothies.

    4.5 out of 5

    These are great to keep in the freezer to add to fruit smoothies for a healthy drink in the morning when you don’t have time to sit and eat breakfast. Or even grab a few out to eat when they defrost

  • A must have

    5 out of 5

    I always have frozen blueberries in my freezer. I use them for a quick addition to my breakfast smoothies and when I bake blueberry muffins

  • Perfect for baking or mixed with yoghurt

    4.5 out of 5

    We love frozen blueberries as a treat for after dinner on hot nights or to use in baking. These are a great price too and often on special.

  • Great for smoothies

    5 out of 5

    These buleberries are great for smoothies or to put on cakes, pavs. They are very tasty and delicious. They are a great price for people on a budget.

  • Good for smoothies

    4.5 out of 5

    Really good blueberries they go well with anything like pancakes smoothies cakes the flavor is still maintained even though it’s frozen love buying this product

  • Berry delicious

    4 out of 5

    I love frozen blueberries so many uses and great for smoothies and sweet recipes.
    Great with same yogurt or ice cream too
    Package well and seal great.

  • Perfect for my morning smoothie

    3.5 out of 5

    Bought the whole range as it was on sale at Coles and love them, much easier and cheaper then buying fresh and I can mix up the combination in my daily smoothie!

  • Perfect.

    4.5 out of 5

    These blueberries are great, we use them in smoothies, baking and so much more. Being able to have fresh blueberries all year round is amazing and they taste great.

  • Great in smoothies

    5 out of 5

    I love adding these to my smoothies or I’ve added them to vanilla ice cream for desert. They taste yummy and are so convenient being frozen.

  • Great product

    5 out of 5

    I love frozen blueberries -they are perfect for baking (muffins) or to add to your smoothy. Taste good. Package is very easy to open and closed.

  • Great taste

    5 out of 5

    Who doesn’t love blueberries right? but getting the sweet ones can be a bit difficult and expensive. I love having these in my freezer. taste great and always lovely to add to desserts.

  • Love them

    5 out of 5

    I use these a lot fresh blueberries can be so expensive and I love putting them in my breakfast smoothie or in muffins for the kids

  • A permanent staple

    5 out of 5

    These are always in my freezer perfect for baking smoothies with my morning oats a definite must have I prefer them to the mixed as there are no seeds

  • Great all year round

    4.5 out of 5

    The blueberries are great for adding to muffins, smoothies, yoghurt or on breakfast cereal – so many uses for snacks, meals or desserts all year round

  • Perfect for smoothies

    5 out of 5

    I can’t go past the freezer section without grabbing a bag of these blueberries. They’re perfect for popping into our smoothies for a little treat for my daughter and I.

  • Delicious treat

    4.5 out of 5

    These are a staple in my freezer. I love blueberries but the fresh ones can be quite inconsistent in flavour & price so these are my go to!

  • totally love these

    4.5 out of 5

    these are great to have in the freezer then you can feast on them at any time. They are totally delicious and full of good vitamins too

  • Frozen fresh

    4.5 out of 5

    I love making smoothies and shakes and always have frozen fruit in the freezer. I love the creative gourmet range especially the blueberries they are great in muffins

  • Perfect shape

    5 out of 5

    The best thing about these blueberries is that they retain their shape from when they were ripe and fresh which is rare in punnets these days.

  • Lasts ages

    4 out of 5

    I only buy frozen fruit when I want it to last a while and these definitely do, they never go quishy and so I can give them to the kids whenever.

  • Cost effective

    5 out of 5

    With the cost of fresh blue berries and wanting them out of season, this is a great way of having them. When thawed these make for wonderful fruit. Love them in my smoothies and cooking.

  • Nice and good for baking

    4.5 out of 5

    Ready for baking when ever you are they taste great and always add a lovely look and colour to any dish and baking you do

  • Yummy

    4.5 out of 5

    I dont really have a preferred brand for blueberries as they all seem to be on par. I have bought these when on special and was very happy with them.

  • Blueberry Bliss

    4 out of 5

    I use blueberries every day and have been very satisfied with this brand. They are always juicy when defrosted and my children and I even snack on them straight from the freezer. We love adding them to yoghurt, breakfast cereal, in our smoothies and also in our Sunday pancakes.

  • Big smoothie maker!

    4.5 out of 5

    I love these frozen blueberries. This brand in particular. Firstly they last forever in your fridge! Which is a huge bonus. Being a mother of two I try to incorporate as many healthy snacks as I can into my children’s food. They are great to make smoothies and fresh juices with! My little ones find this brand super tasty also – and I’m always finding them sitting down with a cup full of them, because for some reason they taste better frozen!

  • Simple and easy

    4.5 out of 5

    I always have frozen fruit in my freezer, creative gourmets range is great, the blueberries taste great, we use them in smoothies and cereals, there also good baking.

  • Handy Frozen Fruit

    4.5 out of 5

    I always have these Creative Gourmet Frozen Fruit Blueberries in my freezer. They are especially popular when the fresh fruit is out of season. Great to add to recipes or the smoothy.

  • The best Blueberries

    5 out of 5

    These frozen berrys are better than fresh ones because you don’t get the odd rotten one amongst them, they are all perfectly fresh and defrost very quickly.

  • ligit the best

    5 out of 5

    oh my god these are just perfect for our smoothies in the mornings. fresh like they have just been picked off the bush. the kids love eating them frozen as a treat too

  • Great for smoothies

    5 out of 5

    So good for smoothies and homemade iceys

  • Great product

    4.5 out of 5

    I just love this frozen creative gourment blueberries product. Always have these in my freezer and they just taste amazing by itself of in desserts

  • Perfect freezer staple

    5 out of 5

    I always have a packet of creative gourmet blueberries in the freezer. I use them almost daily to put on Greek yoghurt with nuts and honey. They are great quality and are the best to use in baked muffins or desserts. I love them

  • Love it

    5 out of 5

    Love frozen blueberries. Great for smoothies and making desserts. This is a staple in my freezer and I always stock up when half price. They are so tasty.

  • Perfect and we can't live without

    5 out of 5

    When certain fruits are out of season, I like to be able to buy the frozen option to pop in our freezer and have on hand. Perfect for any recipe that normally uses fresh berries

  • Yum

    4.5 out of 5

    Great for smoothies and youghurt topping with muesli , i love that it is so easy to unzip the packet pour and can reseal with no problem at all.

  • Delicious in smoothies

    4.5 out of 5

    I have bought a variety of flavours from this range for my kids smoothies and they love them. So easy to just buy these when fresh blueberries are not in season

  • Great blueberries just expensive

    4 out of 5

    Love these but they are priced higher than the Coles or Woolworths Brand so will always buy them over these. I will get these if they are on sale though

  • Packe full of flavour

    5 out of 5

    Love these blueberries. I use them in my smoothies, they are a beautiful bright and rich in colour, full of flavour and taste great.

  • ideal

    4.5 out of 5

    it can be expensive to buy fresh fruit and veg so this blueberry frozen packet is ideal to save money and not skimp on goodness.

  • Perfect blueberries

    5 out of 5

    We love these blueberries for adding to yoghurt, baking, smoothies, desserts, pretty much anything. They are so tasty and easy to store in the freezer for everyday use.

  • Great products

    4 out of 5

    I love blueberry, and this Creative Gourmet Frozen Fruit Blueberries is good for baking, making smoothies, adding ice cream, or anything. I just eat it straight from packet. Taste great.

  • Smoothie goodness

    3.5 out of 5

    My kids and I start our day with a nutri-bullet packed with goodness. A good yoghurt with some milk and fresh fruit, usually a mix of berries and banana. I like to buy fresh fruit when in season, but as an alternative these Blueberries are great.

  • Toddlers pick

    4.5 out of 5

    These are lovely big berries, my son is a huge fan. It is easy to defrost a few of these tasty morsels for a snack or cereal

  • Long Lasting

    5 out of 5

    These berries taste just like the fresh ones, I have used them for milk shakes. Berry Smoothies and even to make fruit pies great with Ice-Cream.

  • Perfect for smoothies

    4 out of 5

    Summer is round the corner and so I bought this product fo smoothies.It is really handy to use in smoothies or for puree for baby.My 11months pld loves this.

  • The good choice

    5 out of 5

    These blueberries are amazing and much less expensive than the fresh ones. So handy to have them in your freezer for baking, quick desserts with ice cream or yoghurt and really healthy in your breakfast muesli.

  • Great, better than fresh!

    4.5 out of 5

    These blueberries are terrific, and much less expensive than the fresh ones. So handy to have them in your freezer for baking, quick desserts with ice cream or yoghurt and really good in your breakfast muesli.

  • So fresh, so good

    4 out of 5

    I bought these recently after trying other brands and found this brand the best. The blueberries are frozen and so fresh. I add them to smoothies and cook them and puree them for my baby. They are also perfect on a hot summers day to eat straight from the packet!

  • Frozen delight

    4.5 out of 5

    I love having a packet in the freezer enabling me to have blueberries no matter what the season. They defrost really well and are great to eat plain or include in baking.

  • good product

    4.5 out of 5

    I always have some of these berries in the freezer for the times I cannot get fresh blueberries. They have a nice flavour and are very convenient.

  • We always have a pack in the freezer

    4.5 out of 5

    I like the taste of these blueberries – they aren’t too sweet or too bitter. Very handy have a pack in the freezer at all times. They defrost nicely too.

  • Good Value

    3.5 out of 5

    I prefer fresh blueberries but sometimes the cost can be prohibitive, so these frozen berries make a great alternative and are always available no matter the season.

  • We love frozen berries

    4 out of 5

    Frozen berries are a definite favourite in our house. We use them in smoothies, on our porridge, in our yoghurt and on their own as a great summer snack. The blueberries go rather quickly.

  • Every time

    4.5 out of 5

    These are always in the freezer without fail. My boys love these I their pancakes. They defrost so well and taste nice and fresh. Also a fabulous frozen addition to smoothies

  • Love the Creative Gourmet Range

    4.5 out of 5

    Usually you can purchase these half price when they go on sale at Coles…usually buy a packet on sale for $3.84.

    The blueberries retain their flavour and shape.

    Perfect in muffins, cakes, in yogurt, smoothies and used to make my babies puréed.

  • Perfect for Egg pancakes

    3.5 out of 5

    I use these blueberries defrosted over greek yogurt, delious, or in defrosted in egg pancakes. They are slightly expensive however they are a good source of antioxidant, and are probably freasher than the suposed fresh ones sold.

  • Suitable for decoration

    3.5 out of 5

    Creative Gourmet source fresh fruit. It retains its flavour when snap frozen and has a few uses. You can heat them for compote with custard as its base.. Mix them into slightly thawed icecream then refreeze. Many combine them with tropical fruit and milk to make a smoothie. I feel you need a variety of berries to do that.

  • Great quality but expensive

    4 out of 5

    These are great quality if you want to defrost them and use the blueberries fresh, they aren’t all mushy, and also great for smoothies, however it’s a pretty small pack so ends up being quite expensive if you use them often

  • Perfect for Smoothies!

    4.5 out of 5

    These tasty frozen Blueberries are perfect for adding to my fruit Smoothies and in baking Muffins. They taste great, look good, and are a healthy addition to my diet. I’d like to be able to purchase them in a larger packet.

  • Baking heaven

    3.5 out of 5

    I brought these as a one off since the shop didn’t have my normal packet. They worked beautifully in my baking they were so delicious and yummy I have now switched brands they never disappoint

  • Disappointing

    2 out of 5

    I bought these as my son loves blueberries, and fresh ones can be so expensive and they’re not always in season. Trying to eat these blueberries on their own was just awful. Perhaps they are better added to cooking.

  • Very yum and easy to use in recipes.

    4.5 out of 5

    I love these berries. I use them in my morning oat shakes with cinnamon, rice milk and stawberries. Very easy, convienent and simple to use.

  • Love These Blueberries!

    5 out of 5

    I love these berries. We use them in porridge and in smoothies. They are lovely and sweet and don’t clump together in the packet.


    4 out of 5

    handy to have, I like these on pancakes with cream, or waffles. also for muffins or smoothies. they are great value and very good for you

  • Perfect for Baking

    4.5 out of 5

    Creative Gourmet Frozen Fruit Berries are great. I use them quite often especially for baking muffins or cakes. They are great quality and they are affordable anytime of the year.

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