
  • Makes 36
  • 45 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients


I add sultanas as well as my son loves them. You could add almost any dried fruit or nut to this recipe.

Ingredients (makes 36 cookies)

  • 2 1/2 cups Quick Oats
  • 1/3 cup Honey
  • 3 Ripe bananas
  • 1/3 cup Apple Sauce
  • 1 tsp Vanilla essence
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon, ground


  1. Preheat oven to 180deg
  2. Mix all ingredients together and rest for 15 minutes
  3. Drop teaspoon size balls onto baking tray
  4. Bake for 20 minutes or until brown


I never have Apple Sauce in the pantry so instead I cut an apple into bite size pieces and put it into a small saucepan with a little water on very low heat. Once the apple is soft, I mash it up and use that in the mix instead. I also always have ripe bananas in the freezer so I defrost them if I don't have any fresh ones to use. Super easy, great one to get the kids involved. I store them in an air tight container in the fridge. My 18 month old son loves them, especially after swimming.

  • A great snack for those times needed. Not sure I would use them as breakfast unless in a hurry somewhere.


  • I love your cookies,mum use to make a similar batch! Thanks!


  • These look delicious! Thanks for sharing!


  • I made these and added some dried apricots because I have an abundance of them, I made them in a tray and cut them whilst warm, so they ended up like muesli bars, and they are incredibly popular. love them,


  • also will be sharing this recipe


  • Thanks for sharing this recipe; looks yummy!

    • Fabulous cookies – bit of a favourite.


  • I love finding healthy biscuit recipes that don’t have egg in them it means my daughter with allergies can help me to mix them up. :-)


  • yummy! this looks good! thank you for sharing


  • There is absolutely nothing bad in there. Love it.


  • great nutritional and healthy biccies, thanks for sharing


  • Me again!! Loving these, I added a bag of mixed seeds and sultanas to the batch this week. GREAT!!! Awesome recipe


  • Could you just use puree Apple?


  • I have been looking for something like this as we are always busy in the mornings! Thanks I will give a go this weekend.


  • This would be great as a quick breakfast or morning tea snack.


  • These would be popular with my kids.


  • what a sneaky, healthy way to get children to have their breakfast, love it!


  • think I would rather make the apple sauce as you suggest in the notes


  • I do like your breakfast!


  • looks great for a snack


  • Interesting breakfast idea. Thanks for sharing.


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