
  • Serves 32
  • 45 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients


This Chicken and Goats Cheese Filos Recipe is a slightly lighter version of the traditional spinach and fetta triangles.  The chicken makes these triangles into a meal and the creamy goats cheese and the spinach (and garlic) work perfectly together.

Ingredients (serves 32)

  • 1 Ingham's Chicken Breast, sliced into 0.5cm thick slices
  • 16 sheets Filo Pastry, thawed and laid flat on the kitchen bench (cover with a damp clean tea towel when not in use)
  • 2 cloves Garlic, peeled and crushed
  • 250g Creamy Goats Cheese
  • 2 cups Baby Spinach
  • 1/2 cup Continental Parsley
  • 1/2 cup Butter, gently melted
  • 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil


  1. Take the slices of Chicken Breast and cut into small triangle shaped pieces (avoid any wastage by not worrying too much about getting the shape exactly correct).
  2. Combine 1 tbsp of Olive Oil, the garlic, 1 tbsp of the butter with some salt and pepper and combine. Add the chicken triangles, mix to cover all the chicken in the oil mixture then allow to sit for 10 - 15 minutes.
  3. Lay two sheets of filo pastry onto a clean bread board or a sheet of baking paper. Using a pastry brush gently coat the top sheet of filo with the melted butter.
  4. Looking at the sheet of pastry in landscape (i.e. long edge of the pastry closest to you), cut the sheets in half and then cut each half in half again (so you'll have 4 strips).
  5. Roughly chop the spinach and the parsley and very gently fry off in a non-stick pan. The goal here is to reduce the volume of the spinach by about half - not cook it so much it becomes completely limp and watery (so this will only take a minute - or less). Remove from heat.
  6. Place a small piece of chicken at the bottom of the first strip of pastry. Add a thin slice of goats cheese on top of this and then the spinach/parsley leaves.
  7. Start folding the pastry from one side to the other to create a triangle shape. You'll probably end up folding the triangle 10 - 12 times depending on the size triangle you create.
  8. Set the triangles onto a sheet of baking paper on a baking tray until all the sheets of pastry have been used. Using the last of the melted butter, lightly brush the top of the filo triangles and then quickly sprinkle sesame (or poppy or Sumac) seeds onto the triangles.
  9. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes (or until quite golden brown to ensure the chicken cooks through) in a moderate oven (180 degrees non fan forced 170 degrees fan forced). Serve immediately taking care to remind your guests or family that the contents will remain hot for a while. ENJOY!


You really only need a few ingredients and a few minutes to get these Chicken and Goats Cheese Filos on the go. Have fun with the garlic levels - dial up or dial down depending on who is eating them and how intense you like the garlic flavour to be.

  • Chicken and goat cheese Filos and a mango salad on the side


  • These look good. I’ve never really used goats cheese but Ill give it a try.


  • This Chicken and Goats Cheese Filos look real nice, though I think I might make mine with ricotta cheese instead of the goats cheese.


  • Nikki must be an avid cook / chef who loves inventing new recipes. I suppose her family and friends are good taste testers. Yet another incredible recipe. I will definitely dial down the garlic .


  • I love spinach and feta triangles so I’m sure I would like these. Going to make them soon, can’t wait.


  • I have some “meredith goats cheese”! Its absolutely delicious and will use this recipe. Thank you.


  • This looks great and pretty easy. Haven’t cooked with goats cheese before but will be giving this one a try.


  • I love chicken and I love filo pastry. I’ve tried goats cheese once and didn’t like it, even though I am a cheese lover. This looks so good though


  • Lovely recipe – thanks for posting it here.


  • How cute are these?? Im planning on making some for my daughters birthday. Thanks for a great idea!


  • I’ve never used goats cheese before. These look amazing.


  • I must try this. Thanks for the recipe.


  • Anything with goats cheese and I’m sold!


  • Goats cheese is a great option


  • Oh, there’s not enough goats cheese recipes.


  • I don’t like goats cheese. Can I substitute feta?


  • Looks great, thanks!


  • So good! I wonder if I can find these on uber eats.


  • As soon as i saw these, i knew i had to have them! Delicious!


  • Nice twist and with goats cheese is different. Great snack for parties and healthy too.


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