
  • Serves 4
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients

35 Comment

A restaurant style meal made on a budget for when you have dinner guests.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 4 Chicken breast
  • 2 Nashi pear's (it's a split between a pear and a apple.)
  • 2 Tbs Seeded mustard
  • 2 Chopped Spring/green onions
  • 300ml Cooking cream
  • 1 Tbs Oil


  1. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a pan and sear 4 chicken breast fillets, cook for 4-6 minutes or until golden brown or cooked through, set aside.
  2. Add 2 sliced Nashi's to the pan, cook until golden. Stir in 2 tablespoons seeded mustard, 2 chopped spring/green onions and 300ml cooking cream. Simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Transfer chicken to a serving plate, top with nashi and sauce. Serve with sweet potato mash and steamed broccolini.

  • yum this sound delicious thanks for sharing


  • That sounds really yummy, will have to try it. 🙂


  • we had a variation of this last night, just minus the pear but pretty much the same, it was soooo yummy!


  • Always looking for new ideas to increase our dinner recipe repetoire! Will be giving this a go!


  • love the addition of the nashis!


  • Like the idea with pears


  • This is such a delicious and easy recipe and great for the whole family to enjoy thanks for sharing.


  • Never heard of nashi’s, but this looks simple and tasty.

    • They are in season around spring and summer, I think it’s an Asian fruit (but don’t quote me)


  • This is different to anything I cook. Thanks something new on our menu.


  • Great inspiration. You could also add a dash of honey and you have honey mustard chicken.


  • This would be so tasty, and yet to easy to make. Chicken in a mustard and cream sauce sounds like something my family would love, especially if I put a little garlic in the sauce. Or served with garlic mashed potato, yum, oh yum!


  • This looks great. I like the idea of pears with chicken.


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