
  • Serves 8
  • 40 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients

Curried Sausages … ALWAYS a favourite no matter the season and a brilliant way to add in a load of extra vegies!

One of our MoM Members, Melissa, asked us to whip up some Curried Sausages on our DINNER LIVE WITH MOM.

We decided to introduce puff pastry into the recipe (because at the time we didn’t have any potatoes to serve alongside.

Our recipe worked a treat so here it is.  We’d love to hear how you went with your Curried Sausages in the comments below xx

In case you missed it on MoM Cook Club LIVE on Facebook, here’s the video:

Ingredients (serves 8)

  • 8 Sausages (chicken or beef)
  • 1/4 Cauliflower
  • 3 Medium Carrots
  • 400mL Can of Roast Chicken Soup
  • 1 cup Cream
  • 1/2 Red Capsicum
  • 4 sheets Puff Pastry
  • 1 cup Frozen Baby Peas
  • 1/4 cup Yellow Curry Paste (or 2 tablespoons Curry Powder)


  1. Fully cook the sausages and then slice into 1/2 cm strips or chunks.
  2. While the sausages are cooking, finely slice the carrot and capsicum and chop the cauliflower into small chunks.
  3. Mix together the soup, cream and curry paste or powder.
  4. Combine the cut up sausages, veges and curry sauce into an ovenproof baking dish and mix well.
  5. Cut the puff pastry either into small squares (about 5cm x 5cm) or use a cookie cutter if you'd like some shapes. I used an egg ring to give me round shapes.
  6. Run a small knob of butter around the top edge of the baking dish and then lay the puff pastry shapes across the top of the entire dish - overlap each piece of pastry just slightly.
  7. Brush the top of the pastry with a little beaten up egg (yolk + white) and sprinkle with poppy or sesame seeds (or chia seeds if you like).
  8. Cook on the middle tray of a moderate oven (170 - 180C). Check every 10 - 15 minutes and rotate to ensure the pastry cooks evenly.
  9. Serve with more peas, beans or other greens or a fresh side salad.

  • The majority of us is vegetarian, but we like to do oiven dishes with puff pastry


  • I haven’t had this in years.


  • Yum. I haven’t made curried sausages in ages. This looks good.


  • OMG this sounds awesome. I have two of my daughters coming to visit in three weeks time and I am so going to make this for a cold Winters night.


  • Defiantly a twist. Not sure if the whole fam would love it but doesn’t hurt to branch out.


  • This looks very cool! Could substitute light coconut cream for a healthier alternative


  • Ooh, what a yummy looking take on Curried Sausages. I’m going to try this version.


  • This Curried Sausages with a Crispy Twist looks absolutely delicious. Must give it a try.


  • Sounds interesting, but cant say I have ever seen roast chicken soup in a can before? I think I’ll stick with my current recipe, but try the puff pastry topper, great for winter.


  • We LOVE curried sausages in our home but I can’t believe I never thought to turn them into a pie!! I cannot wait to try this now. Yummmm!


  • Sounds like it would have a lot of flavour but I would omit the curry paste or powder.


  • Fantastic and looks so good.


  • Easy to make vegetarian / vegan as well :)

    • I wonder if you par boil the veggies at all ? as especially carrot can take quite a while to soften ?


  • Something a bit different to “normal” sausages.


  • Love a great recipe with simple and easy changes


  • I love this recipe. A classic recipe with a yummy twist.


  • thanks for sharing


  • What an awesome new take on this recipe. My son loves curried sausages and I can’t wait to surprise him with this version.


  • Love this recipe. Never thought of using pastry instead of potatoes. Thumbs up for this one


  • Kids will like this one.


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