
  • Serves 5
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients

10 Comment

can get all of this from aldi for under $20

Ingredients (serves 5)

  • 1 pkt ham steaks (5)
  • 230g tin pineapple
  • 1 head lettuce shredded
  • 240g pkt danish fetta diced
  • 200g jar olivies
  • 1 punnet cherry tomatoes halfed
  • 1 red onion sliced
  • 1 cucumber diced


  1. wash and cut lettuce cherry tomatoes onion feta and cucumber
  2. grill ham steaks and pineapple until golden
  3. serve with your favorite dressing


also i dice small some sweet potato and potato and bake in oven with a little olive oil for 30min and add as a side too

  • Great idea and economical too.


  • So easy!
    Perfect for summer parties. Thanks so much for sharing. I would never have thought to put all these ingredients together.


  • Such a simple but yummy meal 🙂


  • Sounds like a great breakfast full of fresh flavours and its healthy which is also good!!


  • We always have our ham steaks with pineapple rings, it’s the best way to gave them. Haven’t tried a Greek salad before, looks good tho


  • A quick and easy Summer meal, thanks!


  • Ham and pineapple go so well together, love it so much. Thank you for your version.


  • We used to call ham steaks “pizza meats” yours are a bit more pizza than mine hahah I’ll take mine with no olives thanks!


  • Very much a warm weather meal which is terrific!

    • An outdoor meal with a cool drink for sure! 🙂


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