
  • Serves 6
  • Makes 6
  • 1.05 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 12 Ingredients


If you’re after a super healthy banana bread recipe, look no further!

Thanks to Richard Kerrigan, you can now whip up Healthy Banana Bread any time you like.

What do we love about Richard’s Healthy Banana Bread?

  1. With a healthy banana bread recipe like this, you can keep an eye on your calorie intake. These mini banana breads contain between 350-450 calories.
  2. They’re quick and easy to whip up and if you’re using mini loaf pans, they’ll cook super fast too.
  3. This healthy banana bread recipe is one the kids can get involved with!
  4. The mini loaves are so cute – serve them on a small bread board with a tiny pot of butter
  5. This recipe freezes really well.  In fact we recommend freezing all but one or two immediately – otherwise you might end up eating them all in one sitting eeek!

Who is Richard Kerrigan?

Well apart from being the incredibly talented chef behind this healthy banana bread recipe, Richard Kerrigan is also a Personal Trainer …

“I left school when I was sixteen to study Catering & Hospitality at Thanet College. During this time I was lucky enough to be selected to go and work at Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle at some of the most exclusive events in the world, including Charles and Camilla’s wedding.  

I found my passion for fitness along the way after the long hours and often unhealthy lifestyle in the kitchen. This led me to change my career path and took me to Edinburgh where I gained my Personal Training qualification.
I have been in the fitness industry for 8 years now and continued to develop my skills.  Over that time I have helped a lot of people achieve their goals by eating better and following a structured exercise plan. My ultimate goal is to inspire people to change their lives by simplifying their approach to exercise and nutrition.
With my experience as a chef I am able to create simple, delicious dishes to suit the busy lifestyles we all lead today. I want to show that you can enjoy a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable, without feeling like you are missing out or on a diet.
I am now living my dream of combining the skills I’ve learnt along the way to change peoples lives forever.”

Calories per loaf of Healthy Banana Bread:

*Please note the below calories are approximations*

  • Healthy Banana Bread Mini Loaf with blueberries = 360
  • Healthy Banana Bread Mini Loaf with chocolate = 450
  • Healthy Banana Bread Mini Loaf with nuts = 420

Is this the best healthy banana bread recipe you’ve ever tried? 

Once you’ve tried this recipe, or compared it to your favourite healthy banana bread recipe, let us know what you thought in the comments below.  And if you LOVE this recipe, hit the LOVE button up top of the recipe.

Ingredients (serves 6 | makes 6 6 mini loaves)

  • 4-5 medium sized very ripe bananas
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup rice bran syrup
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 2 cups plain white flour
  • 3 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2-3 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 90g of 70% dark chocolate
  • 1/4 cup walnuts chopped
  • 1/4 cup macadamias chopped


  1. Preheat your oven to 170°C.
  2. Peel the bananas and mash together with a fork in a large bowl. Add the rice bran syrup and coconut oil and mix together well. Sift the flour, cinnamon powder and baking soda over the top and beat well with a wooden spoon.
  3. Decide which filling you’d like to add to your banana breads - blueberries, dark chocolate or nuts and add these to the mix. Leave a few filling ingredients to one side to decorate your mini banana breads before you bake these in the oven.
  4. Divide the mixture evenly into a 6 space mini loaf tray – silicone (10cm x 5cm), ensuring you wipe any excess mixture from around the edge. Depending on which filling ingredient you decided upon add a few extras of these to the top of the breads for decoration.
  5. Place the silicon mould onto an oven tray and bake in the oven on the middle shelf for 55-60 minutes. Before removing, stick a metal skewer into the middle of the banana bread ensuring it comes out clean. Then leave to cool down on a cooling rack for 20 minutes and slice.


Richard Kerrigan is a Chef, PT and nutrition coach, dedicated to helping everyday Aussies find a sustainable path to living. Follow @richardkerrigan_ on Instagram where he will be taking you through regular live ‘at home' workouts, cook alongs and sharing exercise videos and mental health tips to help you stay on track from home.

This recipe is shared and powered by mom.Connect

  • I love Banana bread so definitely have to try this one


  • This sounds yummy and one I’ll definitely have to try.


  • Yum, Love banana bread and I’m always looking for healthier recipe options.


  • I have discovered that using lady finger bananas is not a good idea as they are more dense then your average banana and the baking will turn out more dry.


  • This does have a lot of ingredients, but I think I have most of them :)


  • love the concept of healthy recipes but sometimes, the ingredients can be a little hard to find or pricey


  • I love warm banana bread with butter for breakfast. Great recipe.


  • A healthy Sunday treat to enjoy.


  • A healthy recipe to try. Thanks


  • These banana breads look pretty nice so much variety I don’t know where to start. Banana with chocolate or blueberries yum.


  • Interesting ingredients for a favourite, like the addition of nuts, different options and portion sizes.


  • I just love banana bread. Thank you


  • I love that the calories are already worked out for you, and these look delicious!! Yum! I want to try all the falvours.


  • Wow these look so yummy, i need to get me one of those mini pans, these would be perfect for the kids snack in their lunch box for school. Thanks for sharing


  • what a great recipe – I really need to invest in a mini loaf pan to make these, so I can freeze them for lunch box snacks otherwise they don’t last long!


  • Great recipe and it looks good too. Thanks for sharing.


  • Looks yummy, thanks for sharing your recipe


  • This recipe has a few more ingredients than I normally add to a banana bread but I love that it has dark chocolate chips in it.


  • I love these varieties of banana bread. Will have to invest in a few ingredients though that I’ve never purchased before.


  • A healthy lunch box snack.


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