
  • Serves 2
  • 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 13 Ingredients


I love the addition of yoghurt to this pudding – it keeps it nice and moist and a lot healthier than adding cream. The acidic tang of yoghurt also balances out the sweetness of the pudding.

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 2 cups cubed sourdough bread
  • 1 200gram Yoghurt
  • 3/4 cup Milk (or soy milk)
  • 3 eggs - whisked
  • 4 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp castor sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 3 tbsp rolled - quick oats
  • 1/4 cup frozen blueberries


  1. whisk together eggs, milk , blueberry yoghurt , 3 tbsp brown sugar, vanilla ...add diced sourdough bread - fold together , cover bowl & let the mixture sit for 1 hour in the fridge.
  2. lightly butter & dust an oven proof baking dish or large ramekin (could also make smaller individual sized puddings) with castor sugar - coating all sides of baking dish.
  3. scatter frozen blueberries on the bottom of baking dish. spoon the bread mixture over top - spreading it out evenly.
  4. bake for 40 mins at 170 degrees Celsius with tin foil covering the pudding loosely (I like to bake it in a water bath - assuring the custard mixture doesn't curdle - keeps it smooth & silky)
  5. after 40 mins remove from oven...combine 2 tbsp softened butter with the oats , 1 tbsp brown sugar , cinnamon , almonds & flour. You should have a rough - clumpy mixture , sprinkle this over the pudding & bake for an additional 10 mins (do not cover with tin foil )...until the topping is golden brown & crisp.
  6. Can be enjoyed hot or cold...even better with a scoop of ice-cream or frozen yoghurt !

  • That sounds lovely. I would replace the sugar with pure maple syrup


  • My husband just loves bread pudding. I will have to add this recipe to my list, as I don’t have that includes blueberry.


  • The almond strudel looks delcious, thanks


  • Thanks for sharing!! Looks sweet and delicous


  • I would replace some of the sirgar for honey but otherwise sounds lovely thabks for sharing


  • Nice one. I would replace the brown sugar and castor sugar with coconut palm sugar or better even, yacon syrup.


  • What a great recipe thanks for sharing


  • Yummy. I’m glad it is in the easy category. Will Try. Thanks.


  • So yummy. Thanks for sharing


  • Fantastic recipe – will be making this one. Thanks for sharing.


  • I’m in heaven looking at this. Will definitely be making this one,


  • I’m not a huge bread and butter fan, but I have saved the recipe for the topping, I think it would be lovely as a crumble topping. I love fruit crumbles


  • This sounds lovely and warm and inviting. Yum!


  • Looks delicious and sounds divine


  • What a gorgeous presentation! The topping looks awesome!!


  • This does sound delicious. I would also try other berries!


  • This sounds delicious except I’d love to try it with blackberries or raspberries. I don’t really like blueberries much.


  • this would be delicious with raspberries (not a fan of blueberries)


  • The family would love this with some homemade ice-cream.


  • what great list of ingredients for a great recipe. this sounds like it will be a winner and i can’t wait to give this one a go. i shared and loved this. cheers for sharing your great idea darl


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