
  • Serves 1
  • Makes 1
  • 5 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 5 Ingredients
September 21, 2023

36 Comment

This Regal Rogue cocktail is literally like having a lemon meringue in a cup.

If lemon meringue is your jam, our Lemon Meringue Rogue is like a drink and dessert in one – so you can have the best of both worlds.

Elevate the everyday with Regal Rogue.

Australian made, Regal Rogue blends 100% organic Australian wine from Orange NSW with Native Australian Botanicals, to create a fresh, natural range of Australian aperitifs for all occasions.

The beauty of an aperitif is that it can be used in so many different combinations to create the perfect drink for you, whether you like a refreshing ginger base or something sweeter, with four different Regal Rogue flavours on offer – the options are endless.

The Regal Rogue range includes the four following variants:

  • Lively White a citrus and floral – semi dry
  • Daring Dry a savoury and umami – extra dry
  • Bold Red an aromatic spice and dried fruit – semi dry
  • Wild Rose a tropical fruit and fruit spice – semi dry


Regal Rogue Daring Dry Australian Aperitif

For this Dry Lime and Ginger Rogue, we’ve used Regal Rogue in Daring Dry. Marrying organic Sauv Blanc from Orange, NSW with native anise myrtle, quandong, and native thyme that’s followed by notes of white pepper, olive leaf, and juniper. This combination delivers an earthy, savoury, and lightly salted flavour profile, culminating in a umami finish.

Regal Rogue is available to purchase at Dan Murphy’s. Discover Your Rogue at Dan Murphy’s today.

Mouths of Mums members are currently taking the Regal Rogue Challenge. See what they thought of Regal Rogue here.

*You must be 18 years or older to consume the products from Regal Rogue.

Ingredients (serves 1 | makes 1 Lemon Meringue Rogue)

  • 60ml Regal Rogue Daring Dry Australian Vermouth
  • 30ml Freshly squeezed lemon Juice
  • 15ml Sugar syrup
  • 1/2 tsp Egg white
  • 1 cup Ice cubes


  1. Add all ingredients together in a cocktail shaker (or any 750ml - 1 litre bottle with a lid).
  2. Shake vigorously until there is a lovely soft foam on the top of the mixture.
  3. Gently pour into your favourite champagne flute then add extra meringue to the top with a teaspoon.

  • Oh this looks so good


  • Oh I have the ingredients for this! Hubby would love it


  • Lemon meringue is in my top 3 desserts. If this tastes like that, oh my gosh, I won’t be able to get enough


  • You can’t beat a good old classic! Lemon meringue.


  • Lemon meringue is my jam, I am going to try a Lemon Meringue Rogue as I love like a drink and dessert in one .


  • Omgoodness, sounds so delicious, I’m salivating… ordered some of thr ingredients for click and collect… party this weekend y’all.


  • I wonder if this would be ok without the raw egg white?


  • I’ve seen this being served at my local restaurant/cocktail bar. Dessert or entree?! Looks amazing.


  • I don’t normally like wine, but this idea is challenging me to try something new!


  • Sounds like a fresh summer time drink. The presentation looks terrific.


  • Interesting mixtures to blend together. Will try at least to taste and give to friends.


  • I love lemon meringue, but I’m not a fan of raw eggs. The other flavours in this range sound good too.


  • Sounds good but might give the egg white a miss


  • Not sure about this 1 the egg white doesn’t sound good


  • Love lemon meringue. Wonder how the egg white would taste in this.


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