
  • Serves 1
  • Makes 1
  • 60 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 2 Ingredients

13 Comment

It’s surprisingly easy to make your own soy milk and cheaper to boot.

Ingredients (serves 1 | makes 1 litre)

  • 1 cup dried soya beans
  • 1.5 litre water


  1. Soak the beans overnight I use about 1 cup of dried beans.
  2. Next morning while your mister (or missus) is making you breakfast replace the water in the bowl with hot water and rub the crap out of the beans to remove the skins - this takes some time, but it's quite cathartic and dunking your hands in steaming hot water on a cold winter morning is pretty nice!
  3. Once you've got as much of the skin off as you can, blend in about two or three batches blend with 1.5 L of water - whizz it up. I use a stick blender.
  4. Boil the lovely white frothy mixture for about two minutes, then simmer for half an hour, up to 45 minutes.
  5. Strain the mixture into a bowl or jar - I used a piece of linen from my sewing supplies, no need to buy fancy cheese cloth - you can use a clean tea towel too.
  6. Taste and add anything you like to sweeten or flavour - I added a a few drops of vanilla and a teaspoon of fruit sugar... and you're done! You can use the leftover okara (soy bean pulp) to make soy patties too!


Tip - use a glass jar to keep it in - so much food comes in lovely glass jars and often they are just thrown out - I am migrating all my rice, pasta, etc to pretty recycled glass jars, they look much better in the pantry. I used a passata jar - the lid still smelled quite strongly so I swapped it for a jam lid - mix and match the lids.

  • Wow, I had no idea how to do this. Thanks for sharing.


  • I love making non-dairy milks at home. They are cheaper and healthier for you than shop bought. They are a bit time consuming but are worth the effort.


  • Never knew how to make almond milk thanks


  • There are many dangers connected to the use of soy I’m afraid. I only use organic fermented soy (like nato, miso, tempeh and tamari) every now and then. When you properly ferment beans and grains, they usually lose a lot of their lectin and phytate content.


  • When I have time I’m so trying this, is it easy to make soy yoghurt?


  • Yes this is definitely very easy


  • Wow, so easy – thanks for posting!


  • Thanks for this recipe – sure is different and appreciated too.


  • You are posting so many nice and healthy recipes!!! I don’t drink soy milk because of my Hashimoto thyroidis. (Soya beans work against the thyroid). But my husband drinks soya milk every day, from the supermarket though.

    • Thanks for sharing this information, I did not know this and do know someone with this and will make sure I do not use soy.


  • Who would have guessed it was this easy!


  • I would never have though to make my own. Thanks for sharing.


  • Wow so easy!
    Thank you for sharing i would love to try this!


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