
  • Serves 4
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 17 Ingredients

Pasta is the age-old comfort food of the masses. In winter, a little warming comfort food is so appreciated.
Mushroom and spinach in a white sauce is such a classic vegetarian meal, but it’s a goodie.

There is something lovely about pasta with only two main ingredients. It allows the pasta to really stand out.
Simple and delicious!

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 250g tagliatelle or gluten-free pasta of your choice
  • dash of Olive oil
  • ½ large brown onion, finely diced
  • 1 clove garlic, finely minced
  • 2 tsp mixed Italian herbs
  • 10 medium mushrooms, sliced
  • 500ml soy milk (or milk of your choice)
  • 2 tsp vegetable (vegan) stock powder OR
  • 1 tsp each salt and savoury yeast flakes
  • 100g fresh spinach
  • 1 tsp arrowroot or cornflour
  • 1 cup cashews
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 1 tsp dried italian herbs
  • 1 tsp salt


  1. Put the water on for the pasta while you prepare the sauce. Most ready-bought pasta takes around 10–15 minutes to cook. So once the water has boiled, add the pasta and finish making your sauce.
  2. Sauté the onion in a deep frying pan with a little olive oil until soft. Add the garlic and reduce heat slightly so you don’t burn it and sauté for a minute. Then add your dried herbs so they infuse into the onion and garlic mix.
  3. After about another minute add the sliced mushrooms and cook until they are golden and have absorbed some of the herby onion mix, approximately 2 minutes.
  4. Pour in the soy milk and allow it to simmer. Add the stock powder and stir thoroughly into the milk. Then add the fully washed spinach to the frying pan and allow it to wilt.
  5. Mix some arrowroot with a little water into a mug and stir until the white powder has dissolved into a thin paste. Then slowly, stirring, add the arrowroot paste to the pan to thicken the sauce.
  6. When pasta is ready, drain and pour onto the sauce and mix through. Serve in pasta bowls, adding a little freshly cracked pepper and vegan parmesan cheese (see recipe below). Enjoy this warming comforting food with friends or loved ones.
  7. Vegan parmesan cheese This is so easy and quite yummy. Process cashews in a food processor until they form a fine meal, light and powdery, but catch it before it turns to cashew butter. Add salt, thyme and italian herbs and whiz for another 30 seconds. Too easy! Place in a glass jar. Keeps well in the fridge. Note: You can use almonds with the skin on too, but it doesn’t look as lovely and ‘white’ as cashews or blanched almonds, which give a result more like ‘normal’ parmesan cheese.

  • Thank you for this recipe and the one for vegan cheese.


  • I love the combination of mushroom and spinach along with the other flavours. Thanks for the recipe.


  • Anthea this sounds so yum! I love nuts in food…


  • I love pasta and your recipe would be amazing! Thanks.

    • Thanks, I do hope you enjoy this simple but delicious pasta recipe!


  • Nice one ! I would prefer almond milk above soy milk, but that’s wasy to chance.

    • Yes almond milk is great and makes an easy switch ;)


  • An incredible looking vegan pasta dish – thanks in advance for this mushroom delight.

    • your welcome, such a pleasure to share such simple recipes! Enjoy!

      • I did indeed enjoy this pasta and mushroom dish – a massive thank you.


  • I have been on a mission to add a couple of vegetarian meals to my dinner repertoire, reducing our meat intake. Thank you for making it a little easier with this delish dish

    • Always a pleasure to share my recipes! Best of luck and enjoy Mother nature’s healthy gift of vegetables!


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