
  • Serves 4
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients


These chicken nugget and vegetable kebabs make a great lunchbox item, an easy afternoon snack or a quick dinner – simply serve them with a side salad, mashed potato and/or your favourite steamed vegetables. This MoM Cook Club recipe is proudly brought to you by Ingham’s Chicken #LoveEm

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 packet Ingham's Chicken Nuggets
  • 1 red capsicum, cut into wedges
  • 1 punnet cherry tomatoes, whole
  • 100g button mushrooms, halved
  • 1 red onion, chopped into wedges
  • bamboo kebab skewers


  1. Chop vegetables into wedges of similar size to the Ingham's chicken nuggets.
  2. Thread uncooked Ingham's chicken nugget onto the skewer followed by a slice of capsicum, a cherry tomato, another uncooked Ingham's chicken nugget, mushroom, onion and a final uncooked Ingham's chicken nugget. Repeat this process for all nugg skewers.
  3. Place nugg kebabs on greased baking tray. Bake in preheated oven on 200 degrees celsius for approximately 15-20 minutes, or until nuggets are cooked through.
  4. These make a great snack or lunchbox item. Or for a more substantial meal, serve them with a side salad, mashed potato and/or your favourite steamed vegetables.

This MoM Cook Club recipe is proudly brought to you by Ingham's Chicken. For more step by step video recipes like this, visit our Youtube channel. This November, Ingham's are celebrating NUGGVEMBER. Make these easy nugget recipes and share your love of nuggs using the hashtag #LoveYaNuggs. Be in it to win it! Enter via Ingham's website -  https://inghams.com.au/loveyanuggs/
  • Cute idea!


  • Anything with chicken nuggests is bound to please the young ones


  • A recipe the young ones would enjoy!


  • What a fun recipe. Thanks


  • I love the idea, but suspect my kids would only eat the nuggets!


  • Interesting idea – I like mixing things up a bit!


  • A friend of mine used chicken tenders as the nuggets were on special and there was none left. The kids didn’t realise they were different….and one is a fussy eater.


  • I love a good nugget! Great recipe here. I like Ingham a lot.


  • What a great way to switch up an old favourite & keep it fun for the kids! Love it!


  • Clever, getting tired of having nuggets on their own, or simply with sauce.


  • Interesting concept, will have to remember this one!


  • Sadly, my kids would only eat the nuggets!


  • Apart from them looking awesome they’re healthy too yumm


  • Thanks for the recipe. Love the unique idea.


  • This is way too cute. I wish I’d thought of this when my son was younger.


  • Now here is a clever and fun way to serve up nuggets and veggies! Yay!


  • Very creative idea that kids and adults alike will love!


  • Looks cute ! My kids love fruit, vegetable and savoury kebabs. Also nice as birthdays treats.


  • Fun way to get kids to eat their veggies too.


  • What a cute idea for a party!


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