
  • Serves 4
  • 25 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients
March 25, 2019


A recipe by Elle Halliwell

“I now cook all my family’s food with purely organic products. This One Pan Chicken Recipe is my favourite mid-week dinner dish. It’s packed full of vegetables, healthy fats and so much flavour your tastebuds will do a little dance! I sometimes swap the kale for baby spinach; depending on what leafy greens I have in the fridge”.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 2 chicken breasts, sliced horizontally (I use Certified Australian Organic Hobbs Family Farms chicken)
  • 1.5 punnets cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1/2 cup chopped kale
  • 1 cup basil leaves
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 1/2 cup baby capers
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 2 zucchini thinly spiralised
  • lemon wedges to serve


  1. Add half the olive oil to a hot, deep frypan, then add chicken breast and cook 2-3 minutes each side until golden and almost cooked through.
  2. Remove from pan
  3. Turn heat to medium, and add the rest of the oil, the garlic and the capers and cook until capers begin to pop.
  4. Add the tomatoes and kale and stir for one minute, then add the basil and cook until the tomatoes have softened.
  5. Reduce heat to low, return chicken to the pan and place the spiralised zucchini on top.
  6. Cover for four minutes or until the zucchini is al dente.
  7. Serve with a splash of olive oil and fresh basil leaves.

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  • Yum…..sounds very tasty to me


  • This looks quick, healthy and delicious with minimal washing up! I love it.


  • It looks restaurant quality in the pic, but seems quite easy to prepare, im impressed


  • Easy cooking style


  • I love one pan recipes. Fast, easy and tasty!


  • Very clever and healthy meal. Thanks for sharing.


  • Yum this recipe is so simple with not too many ingredients and my favourite chicken breasts. All 3 of my children love zucchini too. I may leave out the kale but otherwise it looks like a winner.


  • Great healthy and tasty meal to try.


  • I absolutely love this recipe. Easy, and with all ingredients that I know and love.


  • Love the recipe and the thought of only using one pan is brilliant.


  • I love one pan meals!


  • So simple. YUM!


  • This is such an easy recipe to make and so healthy. Yum


  • Love Mediterranean food so this I will try and looks like a keeper!


  • This looks awesome. And I love the spiral zucchini. I need to get onto that!


  • Being a vegetarian I like everything in this recipe except the chicken ;)


  • A healthy lunch for me.


  • I.love the freshness of it


  • This looks and sounds so fresh and delicious :)


  • Wow, what a wonderful way to use some of the oranges from my tree – thanks so much for sharing your recipe.


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