
  • Serves 18
  • 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients
April 3, 2019


Peanut Bubble Crunch is a great recipe for a nice light treat after dinner. You can also make this recipe with mint. I make up huge batches and place in the freezer and pull out when needed. Enjoy!

Ingredients (serves 18)

  • 3 cups Rice Bubbles
  • 1/2 cup Peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup Rice Malt Syrup
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
  • 2 Tablespoons Cacao (can substitute with cocoa)
  • 100g Dark Chocolate (70% Cocoa is best)


  1. Line a 10cm x 20cm baking pan with baking paper and set aside Add 1 ½ cups of Rice Bubbles to one bowl and the other 1 ½ cups of Rice Bubbles into a second bowl. Over a low heat, melt the rice malt syrup, vanilla extract and coconut oil.
  2. Remove from heat and mix through peanut butter Pour half of the mixture into one of your bowls of Rice Bubbles and stir well to combine Add your cacao/cocoa to the remaining peanut butter mixture, stir through then mix it into the second bowl of Rice Grab your lined pan and add one bowl of Rice Bubble mixture to pan. Press firmly into the base (and we really do mean FIRMLY). For best results really take some time with this step. Add the remaining bowl of Rice Bubble mixture over the top and once again, press firmly so it sticks together.
  3. Pop pan into fridge or freezer to set. (30mins – 60 mins will be enough) Once the mixture is set, melt your chocolate using your preferred method. Pour chocolate evenly over the top of the Rice Bubble mix and pop back in the fridge to set (This should only take about 10 minutes) Remove from fridge and cut into squares with a sharp knife.


If you are serving to friends, of course check for any nut allergies before sharing.

This recipe shared with us by the team at The Healthy Mummy. Visit their site for inspiration and loads more delicious recipes.

Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at 5.32.06 pm
  • All of my favourite things!
    I love how it looks with the different layers. So yummy.
    Thank you for sharing.


  • love the distinct layers


  • How simple and easy – thanks for sharing this one. Great idea for kid’s birthday parties too.


  • Look so good thanks for sharing your recipe


  • wow this looks really good thanks for sharing


  • Ooh, how yum and easy and clever is this??


  • I’d love to make this if I can get some of the ingredients.


  • Not a peanut butter fan


  • This is yummy


  • Lovely recipe ! Although I’m not too keen on rice malt syrup, but that’s easy to substitute with yacon- maple- or coconut palm syrup.


  • Yummy


  • Oh my gosh yummo thank you xx


  • This recipe looks nice and simple, will be putting it on my to try list. Hope mine will turn out like the photo.


  • A big favorite in this house


  • Would love this … Could actually make for the kiddo’s playdate. Thanks for sharing


  • Sounds super easy and looks a treat! Well worth trying, especially as it can be frozen for future use.


  • I love a great slice to have with afternoon tea, I like this recipe, thank you for sharing.


  • This is really yummy! I have even made it without the chocolate on top when watching calories!


  • Love that you can freeze this. Makes lunchbox treats a bit easier to organise, having some ready to go in freezer


  • Ellen, are you converting this recipe to gluten free?. Some blocks of dark chocolate is gluten free as it is a high % cocao. They are also lower in sugar.


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