
  • Serves 6
  • 20 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients


This recipe for Three Pepper Chicken is super simple, very fast but always looks as though you’ve gone to loads of trouble. Serve up your Three Pepper Chicken Breast Fillets with steamed greens, a squeeze of lemon juice and a light garlic mash.

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 2 large Ingham's Chicken Breast Fillets
  • 1/2 cup Cream
  • 1/2 cup White Wine (any type is fine)
  • 2 tsps Pink Peppercorns (preferably tinned or soaked overnight)
  • 1 tsp Black Peppercorns (soaked overnight)
  • 1 tsp White Pepper
  • 1 Lemon, juiced
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 2 Garlic Cloves, crushed


  1. Slice the chicken breasts through lengthways to achieve 1 - 1.5cm thick slices.
  2. Combine the olive oil, garlic and white pepper and then brush over the chicken slices.
  3. Heat a non-stick frypan on a high heat and sear the chicken slices until golden brown on the outside.
  4. Add the white wine, cream, pink and black peppercorns, cover with a lid and then cook for a further 5 minutes or until cooked through (cooking time will vary depending on thickness of chicken slices).
  5. Add a little more heat with some chopped red chillies if you like or reduce the heat by adding a little more cream.


Any leftover chicken will be delicious in a wrap with salad for lunch, shredded through a salad, chopped through a caesar style salad or included in Vietnamese style Cold Rolls.

  • Thanks for sharing, I’m sure my husband will like this


  • This looks very delicious however i would remove the chilli as i am not a chilli fan.


  • Oh this looks and sounds awesome


  • Not sure the kids would eat this one. Thanks for shaing


  • Simple and looks tasty


  • This looks delicious


  • I love this recipe idea. I’m always looking for tasty and easy recipes. Yum.


  • I was thinking I can’t have this because of the lemon but I can’t see where it is actually used in the recipe so might be able to have it after all. Thanks for sharing this easy and tasty recipe.


  • Thx for sharing


  • Thanx for sharing.


  • Wow – this sounds wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing.


  • Wow, never seen pink peppercorns before!


  • Thank you for this recipe, love the note about using any left overs.


  • I really love pepper with chicken. A great recipe, thank you.


  • Definitely trying this!!! Need more delicious fast and easy recipes that my kids would would. Yum!


  • Sounds interesting, thank you for sharing.


  • This looks like such a lovely dish for dinner & when entertaining too.


  • It’s a shame I don’t like pepper :(


  • Doesn’t this one just sound like a restaurant dish? The description is making me want to try this one.


  • Simple and easy – thanks for sharing.


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