
  • Serves 6
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 11 Ingredients


The challenge of creating an appetising, yet healthy lunch box is an ongoing one. This tomato, cucumber and pomegranate salad ticks the box; and only takes 10 minutes preparation and 5 minutes cooking time!

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • ¼ cup Pepita Seeds
  • 2 tsp Olive Oil
  • 1 tsp Dried Chilli Flakes
  • 2 x 400g Medley Tomatoes, halved if large
  • 250g Qukes (baby cucumbers), thinly sliced on diagonal
  • 1 Pomegranate, halved & seeds removed
  • 1 cup Flat Leaf Parsley Leaves
  • 150g Labne, drained
  • 3 tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 tbs Red Wine Vinegar
  • 1 tsp Caster Sugar


  1. Put the pepita and oil into a small frying pan over medium heat. Cook, shaking pan for 3-5 minutes until lightly toasted. Remove from the heat, add the chilli flakes to the warm pan, toss to coat. Set aside to cool.
  2. Combine the tomatoes, baby cucumbers, pomegranate seeds, parsley and pepita mixture onto a large platter, and toss gently. Drop spoonfuls of labne evenly over the salad.
  3. For the dressing; whisk the ingredients together until well combined. Season then spoon over the salad. Serve.
  4. Cooking Tip: Labne is a soft yoghurt cheese available in tubs in the specialty cheese section of larger supermarkets. To make your own, spoon 1 cup greek yoghurt into a sieve lined with muslin. Place over a bowl, cover and refrigerate 24 hours. Discard the liquid in the bowl.

  • I’ve recently discovered Pomegranate and love it.


  • Oh this sounds nice. I’ve never had pomegranate in a salad but I’m keen to try it :)


  • Looks amazing. I really dont think that I have ever tasted Pomegranate. I need to lift my game.


  • Sounds nice but I have never been a fan of pomegranate as the seeds are crunchy.


  • I absolutely love when fruit is in a salad!!


  • This salad looks colourful and beautiful. I wish I could get my kids to eat pomegranate!!


  • wow this looks awesome, those colours!


  • This looks fantastic – pomegranate is being used more and more these days, it was rare when I was growing up.


  • Looks tasty but not for me. Thanks for sharing though


  • An interesting recipe, looks quite appetising.


  • I’ve never tried pomegranates and there’s also a few ingredients in here that I’ve never had or tried.


  • got pomegranates growing like mad on my tree and always on the lookout for something new. I will definitely make this. Have another lovely salad I make with it. Can’t wait to try this one.

    • Aw, aren’t you lucky with your own pomegranates growing ?! How long after planting did it take for your tree to bare fruit ?


  • I am not sure about the addition of pommegranate here though.


  • Jamie Oliver does so many amazing things with pomegranate, it looks amazing, and I’m yet to try it :(


  • Yum this looks delicious, the just the type if salad I love! Ingredients sound good look forward to working out and trying the dressing also


  • That looks and sounds very yum but I hate having to pick out pomegranates the last I thought was good wasn’t ripe yet.


  • Looks very nice and colourful, thanks.


  • This looks amazing!


  • Yum! Pomegranate are great & this sounds delicious.


  • Nice and bright, love the different colours


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