
  • Serves 5
  • Makes 5
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients

20 Comment

Packed with loads of super foods and nutritious ingredients, this no-bake bar is delicious and makes a healthy after-school snack.

This recipe was provided by @thatlofolife for Mayver’s.

Ingredients (serves 5 | makes 5 bars)

  • 1 cup oats, processed into flour
  • 4 tbsp hemp seeds
  • 2 tbsp flax meal
  • ½ cup Mayver’s Unsalted Smunchy Peanut Butter
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp rice malt syrup
  • 50g dark chocolate


  1. Blend the oats in a food processor until a fine flour forms.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the oat flour, hemp seeds, flax meal and, if desired, salt.
  3. In another small bowl, combine the Mayver’s Unsalted Peanut Butter, maple syrup, coconut oil and rice malt syrup until a smooth mixture forms.
  4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and stir through until a smooth dough forms.
  5. Roughly chop the dark chocolate and fold it through the dough.
  6. Line a baking tin with baking paper and press the dough into half of the tin to form a large rectangle. Refrigerate for approximately 20 minutes or until set, and then cut into 5.

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  • I really want to get more into making our own muesli bars rather than buying ready made. Thanks for the recipe. I really want to give these a try. They sound very tasty,


  • Excellent ingredients and these would be so much better than buying expensive protein bars.


  • Yum this looks like a great recipe.. Thanks for sharing…


  • Thanks for this recipe! We’ve got a picnic to go to this afternoon, so this might be on the cards to make beforehand!


  • A great snack for work or home! Thanks!


  • This is a great recipe that I think my whole family will like. Peanuts are great for protein!


  • This sounds and looks great – just make sure your child doesn’t share with those who have an allergy to peanuts. Anyone with a kidney problem would also have to beware as its very high in potassium and the sugar content is a little high for those with diabetes. Such a pity that so many young people suffer with these problems today. Thanks for sharing.


  • Sounds very healthy but too many unavailable ingredients for me to get in such a small rural town.


  • Peanut butter is so delicious and I love to use peanut butter in recipes. Thanks for a terrific recipe for yummy looking bars.


  • Nice one ! Might be nice to omit the rice bran syrup with yacon syrup and of course you can use raw chocolate nibs instead of dark chocolate

    • Might be nice to sweeten with banana as well !


  • These look okay but I don’t have many of the ingredients which makes it an expensive exercise.


  • Yum these look like a fairly healthy treat


  • This recipe looks real good, healthy and nice and easy. I am going to give it a try. 🙂


  • Would love to try this.


  • This looks amazing. We love anything with peanut butter. I will be making this for the kids soon. Just have to get some hemp seeds. We’ve never had them before.

    • Coles has them at their health food isle and often also found by the nuts. Woolworths has them too at the health food isle


  • Sounds great- I really like peanut butter so long as it’s not too strong and it goes great with chocolate.

    • Yes, many pots of peanut butter are emptied here too 😉


  • That sounds amazing. Thank you for sharing


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