
  • Serves 20
  • 15 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 19 Ingredients

10 Comment

A delicious crunchy slice with the goodness of an old time favourite breakfast biscuit. Relive your childhood …and let the children enjoy the yummy things in life.
Please enjoy this nostalgic slice …it’s very nice. 🙂

Ingredients (serves 20)

  • 5 Weet-Bix crushed(gluten free was used here but ordinary is fine as well)
  • 11/2 cups white flour(gluten free, ordinary, spelt or wholemeal the choice is yours)
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 5 tbsp drinking chocolate/hot chocolate
  • 3/4 cup desicated coconut
  • 1 tbsp golden syrup(once again I used golden syrup but rice malt syrup, maple syrup, or honey can be used and once again the choice is yours)
  • 200g butter(yes again I used butter but margarine or an alternative is fine)
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence
  • Extra coconut for sprinkling
  • Topping/icing
  • 8 squares of sugar free chocolate,melted
  • 1 dessert sp nutella(or alternative chocolate spread)
  • 50 g butter, melted
  • Note: I will include a basic chocolate icing for those who do not want the above
  • Alternative to the above :
  • 2 cups icing sugar, sifted
  • 2 tbsp cocoa
  • 1 tbsp butter/margarine
  • boiling water


  1. Combine Weet-Bix, flour,baking powder, drinking chocolate and coconut in a mixing bowl.
  2. Place golden syrup and butter into a microwave safe container and melt.
  3. Add vanilla essence and stir.
  4. Pour the liquid over the dry ingredients and mix together well.
  5. Press into a 20cm x 30cm lined baking tray.
  6. Bake in a moderate oven, 180C, for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cool.
  7. To make the topping:
  8. Melt sugar free chocolate, nutella and butter in the microwave.
  9. Spread over slice and sprinkle with coconut.
  10. Alternative icing:
  11. Combine icing sugar, cocoa and butter in a bowl. Gradually add boiling water mixing until desired thickness is reached.
  12. Spread icing over slice.
  13. Makes 20 slices.


Note : I have given two (2) options for topping/icing so the choice is yours which one you use ...you also may decide to leave the slice un-iced or choose to drizzle some dark chocolate in a zig zag fashion across it. What ever you do please have fun and I hope you enjoy it.

  • Yum couldn’t scroll past this sounds and looks amazing ! Keen to give it a go


  • I find this an interesting version of the weetbix slice. Love having different ways to make it.


  • Will so be making this. Looks a treat. Thanks.


  • Looks delicious, I will definitely make this as a treat for my children.


  • Looks delicious! what a creative idea using tea leaves, i’ve never used tea in a cake before, i’ll have to try this cake oneday!!


  • Wow, I’ve never heart of weetbix slice before but definitely going to give it a go


  • A nostalgic recipe with traditional ingredients – love it! The slice looks delicious and the plate is so cute.

    • Thanks for the lovely comments moms and thanks again for the lovely comment on styling mom93821 …the plate is vintage and was my hubbies, the knife was my brothers then mine. 🙂

      • You are most welcome! I do love your styling – so much thought and effort in the presentation of your recipes. I do love the plate and knife and thanks for the backstory. A much treasured plate and knife. 🙂


  • Your weet-bix slice sound’s delicious,thanks!


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