
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients

220 Comment

My kids love these and I have to say I really enjoy them too.  You can make them large for burgers or smaller for toddler and mash them up for baby.  You can double this recipe no problem and they’re good for lunchboxes. Only a few easy ingredients so get the kids to help you make them. Here is the Weetbix, tuna and vegetable patties recipe…


  • 5 Weet-Bix (or 2 ½cups of flakes from the bottom)
  • 1 425g tin Tuna – I use the one in spring water
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 teaspoon crushed Garlic – the jar one is fine
  • 1 Cup Vegies - I always use the Peas, Corn and Carrot Frozen Vegetables
  • 1 Cup Grated Tasty Cheese
  • Salt and Pepper for seasoning. You can also use little herbs if you want.  Sometimes we add Chives or Parsley – whatever is good in the garden.
  • Oil spray or Oil to cook with


  1. In a large bowl put the Tuna, Grated Cheese, Vegetables and Garlic mix them together.
  2. Add 1 Egg and crush in 1 Weet-Bix. Add your seasoning to taste.
  3. Stir it up well and then leave for a few minutes whilst you prepare the coating.
  4. (Leaving it to rest helps the Weet-Bix go all soggy and hold it all together when you ball them up into patties.)
  5. In one bowl whisk up your other Egg and then in another bowl crush up 2 Weet-Bix.
  6. Roll up all your patties. Dip them one at a time in the whisked Egg and then into the crushed Weet-Bix coating. When your Weet-Bix crumbs have gone in the bowl crush up the last 2 for coating this stops them going a bit soggy from the egg mixture.
  7. Coat them all first before you cook.
  8. Cook them in a fry pan in batches so you’re not overcrowding.   I use cooking spray to cook with you can use oil but just use about a table spoon per batch  as the Weet-Bix just soaks it all up and you don’t want oily patties just crunchy.
  9. Moderate heat. Not too hot or you’ll burn the flakes just enough so they are Crunchy on the outside and warm cheesey on the inside. ENJOY!

  • what a smart way to use up my weetbix!


  • Yay, something to make from leftover Weetbix. My sons both have a bad habit of losing interest in whatever carton of breakfast cereal I’ve bought before it is finished…


  • My family always enjoy this recipe.


  • This sounds very simple and wholesome. Thank you


  • What a interesting use for Weetbix, thanks


  • wow what a different mix of ingrediants may have to give it a go I have a feeling my little on is going to love the tuna and weetbix 2 of her favorite’s..


  • very healthy but interesting recipe, my kids arent too fussed on tuna so i dont know how they would go with this one,


  • Does that mean you can have them for breakfast.


  • AN interesting recipe. One I will have to try. The weetbix bit is intriguing.


  • Great recipe, I was a bit iffy the first time a friend suggested I try weetbix in a hamburger mix instead of breadcrumbs, it really did make a difference and tasted oh so good. Give it a go, swap bread crumbs for weetbix, you won’t go back to the crumbs. Haven’t tried with tuna before, will test this one out. Thank you.

    • I tried this recipe out earlier in the afternoon, we loved it! You don’t taste the weetbix, it was like a yummy tuna/cheesy patty cake if you like, really was delish!


  • WOW weetbix and tuna, im curious to what these taste like


  • I don’t think I am actually a fan of weet-bix cooked with something else, I like weet-bix with milk for breakfast but that is about it.


  • now that is different. going to give these a try and see what my kids say.


  • how easy does this look to make. AWESOME


  • have never thought to use weetbix like that – very clever


  • never tried this recipe before, it sounds interesting will give it a go.


  • weird combination but it doesnt hurt to try them thanks for the recipe =]


  • Very intesting combination…we like each seperately so might give this a go……..


  • Has anyone tried these and is the wheatbix taste strong???


  • yum thanks for sharing .


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