Average Ratings (from 247 ratings)
Overall star Rating
I would recommend FESS® Sinu-Cleanse® Wash Kit to other people
FESS® Sinu-Cleanse® Gentle Wash Kit is a great quality product
I would use FESS® Sinu-Cleanse® Wash Kit again
I feel good knowing that FESS® Sinu-Cleanse® Wash Kit is a natural way to help relieve my blocked nose & sinuses
FESS® Sinu-Cleanse® Wash Kit offers good value for money
FESS® Sinu-Cleanse Gentle Cleansing Nasal & Sinus Wash Kit :
4.5 out of 5 based on 247 reviews.

As mums, life is often busy and sometimes there’s not the option to slow down! And severely blocked noses and sinus congestion can really get in the way …

Which is why we are so excited to announce the FESS® Sinu-Cleanse Gentle Cleansing Nasal & Sinus Wash Kit Review!

Untitled design (7)

FESS® Sinu-Cleanse Gentle Cleansing Nasal & Sinus Wash kit is a NATURAL way to help relieve blocked noses & sinus congestion. Suitable to use for moderate to severe nasal & sinus congestion, it provides a deep and thorough wash to help:

  • Relieve congestion from hayfever & allergies, sinusitis, colds & flu.
  • Clear & wash away excess mucus
  • Wash away dust, pollen and other allergens

Regular use of FESS® will help keep your nasal passages and sinuses clean and free from mucus build up, plus allow your nose to function at its best.

Is the FESS® Sinu-Cleanse Gentle Cleansing Nasal & Sinus Wash Kit suitable to use while pregnant or breastfeeding?

The FESS® Sinu-Cleanse Gentle Cleansing Nasal & Sinus Wash kit is safe and gentle to be used daily and as often as needed as it is:

sensitive choice logo  fess
  • Non-medicated
  • A natural way to relieve congestion
  • Preservative free

The FESS® range of products is approved by the Sensitive Choice® program of the National Asthma Council Australia.
How to use the FESS® Sinu-Cleanse Gentle Cleansing Nasal & Sinus Wash kit …

Before using the FESS Sinu-Cleanse wash kit, boil 200 mL of water and allow it to cool until lukewarm. Do not use with boiling hot water.

1. Empty contents of one sachet into the FESS Sinu-Cleanse wash squeeze bottle.

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2. Pour the previously boiled lukewarm water into the bottle to the line marked ‘FULL’.

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3. Place the cap with the tube onto the bottle and screw on tightly. Place finger over opening of cap and shake the bottle gently until the powder dissolves.

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4. Lean or bend over a basin and place the cap gently inside the right nostril, ensuring the tip is pointed towards the back of your head.

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5. Keeping your mouth open, gently squeeze the bottle in a pulsing action. Whenever the soft squeeze bottle needs to fill with air, remove it from the nose before you release your hand pressure. This prevents “suck back” and helps to keep the remaining solution clean.

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6. Allow approximately half of the solution to wash through the nasal passages and sinus cavity and come out of the left nostril. A small amount of the solution may enter your throat. This is not harmful.

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7. Using the remaining solution, repeat this process in your left nostril. If necessary, blow your nose when you have finished. Discard any remaining solution you do not intend using within the next 2 hours.

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8. Wash bottle, cap and tube thoroughly after each use and allow it to drip-dry.

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For best results use FESS Sinu-Cleanse wash once or twice daily or as directed by your doctor or specialist. This bottle is a mixing bottle for your convenience of use only. It is not a measuring device.

Other products in the range include:

FESS_Congestion Level Chart_DEC17

Where is the FESS® Sinu-Cleanse Gentle Cleansing Nasal & Sinus wash kit available?

Available at all major Pharmacies. Find out all you need to know about the FESS range on www.fess.com.au

Would you like to trial and review the FESS® Sinu-Cleanse Gentle Cleansing Nasal & Sinus wash kit at home?

In the FESS® Sinu-Cleanse® wash kit product review we’re looking for Mums between the ages of 25-40 who suffer from allergies or hayfever, specifically blocked noses and nasal congestion, or sinusitis with sinus pain and pressure or heavy head, blocked nose or nasal congestion. We’ll send a FESS® Sinu-Cleanse Gentle Cleansing Nasal & Sinus Wash Kit Sample to you at home, ask you to put it to the test on yourself and/or your family and then ask you to let us know what you thought by posting star ratings and reviews on this page.

Applications for the FESS® Sinu-Cleanse Gentle Cleansing Nasal & Sinus wash kit product review are NOW OPEN. Click Apply to Review to be in the running to review.

What’s happening on Instagram?

#fesssinucleanse #mouthsofmums #momreview

Published 21st May 2018

  • Clear out sinuses

    The Fess sinus wash is awesome. Whenever I have a cold or hay fever it helps clear out my blocked sinuses and helps my feel like I’m better so much faster. Less coughing from runny noses which also means better sleeps. Nothing worse then a blocked nose. I would definitely recommend Fess sinus wash.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Great product that works!

    This product has been super beneficial for me. As a mother of two who suffers from hay fever FESS Sinu-Cleanse has been more than a relief in my case. As soon as I use it my nose and head feels clearer, which means I can think better, I feel better in general and I know it’s a product that I can rely on. In the last year I’ve picked up many colds and this product has helped me every time. Since everything in the face is connected it’s amazing how much of a difference it makes when your suffering from a really bad flu or cold. The pressure is instantly gone. For first timers it can be a funny sensation but you get used to it over time. Highly recommended!

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • A must have essential

    Constantly suffering from allergens and sinus infections . It’s quick easy and a must have. Makes the world of difference I use it in my daily routine now

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Very effective

    Fess sinu-Cleanse is great value for money.It is very effective.Just went through a bad cold ,followed by a sinus infection.Using that product really helps relieving the pressure and the pain , makes me feel better for a while.Don’t ignore the medication , but this product and the steaming definitely help.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Clearer nose!

    Love this product. Relieves my headaches and heaviness feel above my nose from the day 1 of using it.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Loved it! Chemical free clean out!

    I loved using Fess Sinu Cleanse. It is chemical free unlike the ones I would normally use, and I feel clear and clean afterwards without that burning feeling from those other ones! I love it and look forward to using it when I am all blocked with a cold!

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • I loved it

    I can’t believe how much I ca accruals smell since I’ve used fess. It has completely changed my mind in how I look at noes cleaning and it’s importants

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Why didn’t I know about this before

    I have always thought to have had a pretty good immune system, but when I get sick I get really sick after receiving this product to trial I wanted to wait to use it when I really needed it. I had the worst cold and sinus headache and remembered I had this to trial after the first use I felt like the weight was lifted from my head and I could breathe again and also lay down without prepped propped up so high on pillows. I wish I knew about this product sooner but am oh so grateful I know now. lifesaver.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Great natural product

    As someone with various health problems it is great to have something natural I can use. So many products that clear your nose have medications in them that are contraindicated with various medical conditions.
    A quick & easy way to clear your nose

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Brilliant Product

    Thank you for this product review… I suffer madly with sinus and this is such a wonderful fresh and gentle product to use to help me, I like to use the wash kit when in the shower and it had helped my sinus and hayfever immensely. Thank you again for this opportunity to try FESS Sinu-Cleanse Gentle Wash Kit.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • FESS is wonderful

    FESS was recommended by my daughters ENT specialist to help her with her sinus pain. This product is safe and can be used daily. It works really well at clearing the sinus area.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Clear out sinuses

    The Fess sinus wash is awesome. Whenever I have a cold or hay fever it helps clear out my blocked sinuses and helps my feel like I’m better so much faster. Less coughing from runny noses which also means better sleeps. Nothing worse then a blocked nose. I would definitely recommend Fess sinus wash.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • A must-have for safe and effective sinus cleaning

    I’ve never been a fan of putting anything up my nose so have avoided it at all costs. Recently I have had sinus issues before, during and after colds and on doctor’s orders I tried fess sinu-cleanse and it really helped my recovery and how I generally felt. The feeling is definitely tolerable. We also ensure we have a fess sinu-cleanse on hand!

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Blockfree

    This is the most amazing product I’ve come across for sinus. Simple easy to use and it actually works. Impressive.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Fess to Cleanse

    It is a great natural alternative that only uses water instead of harsh chemicals, great for hayfever sufferers like me and if you have sinus.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Fess for the big kids yay

    Yay. It’s great. I actually used to use the kids fess when I got head colds, as it was the only thing I felt safe using while breastfeeding, but so glad there is a big kid version now.
    This will be a must have in my cupboard this wintertime as I know I will be needing it.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Definitely helps relieve sinus pain

    I suffer from terrible sinus headaches so am always looking for ways to help with this. This is an easy to use, natural affordable solution. I will keep on using it as will my family

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Easy to use and works well

    Unfortunately I often have sinus issues and end up with horrid headaches but this product really helps relieve the symptoms. I really like that its easy to use and is much more “natural” than constantly having to take medications and I can use it more than once a day if necessary. I recently did a long overseas trip and took some with me and was so glad I did. I went down with a nasty cold and this product really helped relieve the symptoms and ensure I didn’t experience horrible pain when flying. Thoroughly recommend this product.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Great Product

    I have used this a few time and the results are amazing, cleans everything out, with my hay fever allergy its hard sometimes to clear my nose and this product helps.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Great product that works!

    This product has been super beneficial for me. As a mother of two who suffers from hay fever FESS Sinu-Cleanse has been more than a relief in my case. As soon as I use it my nose and head feels clearer, which means I can think better, I feel better in general and I know it’s a product that I can rely on. In the last year I’ve picked up many colds and this product has helped me every time. Since everything in the face is connected it’s amazing how much of a difference it makes when your suffering from a really bad flu or cold. The pressure is instantly gone. For first timers it can be a funny sensation but you get used to it over time. Highly recommended!

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • A must have essential

    Constantly suffering from allergens and sinus infections . It’s quick easy and a must have. Makes the world of difference I use it in my daily routine now

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Excelllent

    Thankgod for this product. I was unfortunate enough to score a winter cold including blocked nose. This product was a life saver and made me feel.so much better. My nasal passage was blocked up and forcing pressure on my sinus resulting in a headache this relieved those pressure symptoms thus relieving my headache.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Great product

    This is great, it really helps you get through a virus! I would recommend definitely get again

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Weird and wonderful

    This product is amazing! But be warned; the first time can be a little weird – imagine the inside of your face being filled with warm water. But it is truly so effective at clearing sinuses and relieving congestion. must have in our household. I love this product.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • finally i got some sleep

    this product was wonderful with both my babies especially a lifesaver in the flu seasons

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Amazing for my sinuses

    I have very bad sinus and allergies
    This is amazing really helps me to clear and unblock and De clog my congestion I found it also helps me to prevent for later on for my allergies to flare up

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Hayfever relief

    Oh, I wish that I had found this product sooner. Fess sinu cleanse nasal sinus wash is really great when you have that really annoying nose – whether it be stuffiness and the symptoms of that (headache etc) to a runny nose. The relief that you get is just out of this world. I didn;t get to trial this product, but I really wish that I had.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • It helped my sinus so much

    I had terrible fluid in my nose and ears brought on by my sinus and I didn’t even know it until the dr recommend the fess nasal wash and oh my god i felt instant relief in the headaches and sinus pressure.. it’s also great that is comes with so many washes

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Easy to use works great

    I used this when I was pregnant and had blocked sinuses. It helped reduce the blockage naturally and was very easy to use. I love that it’s natural and you don’t have to worry about chemicals. Totally recommend it.

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

  • Great simple solution.

    FESS is a great and simple solution to clean my kids’ noses and keep running noses away. I recommend it!

    I would recommend
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit to other people
    Gentle Wash Kit is a
    great quality
    I would use FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit again
    I feel good knowing
    that FESS®
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit is a natural way
    to help relieve my
    blocked nose &
    Sinu-Cleanse® Wash
    Kit offers good
    value for money

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I fondly remember slow, summer afternoons with family and friends gathered around a table of delicious finger-food during my childhood – the adults chatting and laughing, the kids pretending they understood the jokes. My parents had continued their Mediterranean traditions long after settling in Australia – and the simple joy of an effortlessly elegant gathering was one of my favourites.

What I don’t remember is my parents ever being stressed about the gatherings. It all just seemed to ‘come together’. Ah, how times have changed!

There’s something about the Italian style of entertaining that’s still so alluring in our fast-paced family lives. The idea of La Dolce Vita: a sweet life surrounded by family, friends, food and minimal fuss. Which is why we’ve enlisted the help of the entertaining experts at Sandhurst to share easy tips for elegant, memorable summer get-togethers.

We also asked our community of mums to share their tried and true, easy summer entertaining ideas, and we can’t wait to share them with you!

Euro-Inspired Entertaining


Before we dive into the delicious world of sumptuous, simple summer entertaining, it helps to know a little about the inspiration behind our guide. And that’s the concept of Italian entertaining – where time is taken to lovingly grow ingredients, before enjoying them with those you love.

Established in 1988, Sandhurst was born from the time-honoured traditions of generations of the family behind the brand – a proud Italian Australian family passionate about quality produce sourced from world’s best growers.

At the helm of Sandhurst are brothers Mimmo and Ray Lubrano, who live and breathe the impeccable ingredients that become the centrepiece of so many gatherings in Australian family homes.

“Tradition is what we stand for. We’re custodians of Italian values,” explained Mimmo. “When we go to Italy we see it in our grandparents, our parents came from Italy in the 50s. The tradition is a set of values: honesty, teamwork, participation, family – all the things you would associate with Italian family are the values.”

And it’s these beautiful values that make summer gatherings in Australia an extension of the European table.

Easy Summer Entertaining Starts With … Time Saving Secrets!


A sweet summer of entertaining doesn’t need to be stressful. In fact, it shouldn’t be. It’s a chance to spend time with loved ones. To press pause on life and make memories. And it can be simple! So here are some really easy tips for making your home the place where everyone wants to gather this summer.

Create An Entertaining Kit

Whether it’s pre-planned or you’ve had friends or family drop-in, having a few things ready to go immediately melts away any stress. Here are some things to include in a summer entertaining kit:

  • A red table cloth: It instantly says festive!
  • Some platters and serving dishes
  • Candles
  • Some quality antipasto ingredients that simply need to be decanted and enjoyed!

Many Hands Make Light Work

As mums, we tend to be our own worst enemy when it comes to delegating tasks. But remember, a summer of entertaining is about creating memories – not perfection. So let the kids help, and accept offers from your guests who’d like to bring something along to share.

“It can be overwhelming, so just delegate, and prepare. I do one dish prep per day and pop them in the freezer. Then they just need to be heated up. Let the kids do the decorating for you – plus keeps them busy!” – MoM Member Kirsty

Decorate With Happiness

There’s no need to pull out your finest crystal to pull off an elegant get together. Take a look around your home and garden to see what will bring your table to life. A bowl of lemons is a gorgeous addition, as is a bunch of gum leaves. Keep it simple and understated.


Finger Food For The Win

Nothing says simple summer elegance more than a charcuterie board (or three!). When my friends and our families get together, it’s our go-to – every family is asked to ‘bring a board’. Some do savoury and some sweet, so we’re covered for a long afternoon of catching up.

“Food wise, I keep it simple by doing cold deli meats, cheeses, fresh fruits and veggies.” – MoM Member

But just because boards are easy to put together, doesn’t mean they can’t ooze elegance. And that comes down to including quality ingredients. Choosing Sandhurst products is the easiest way to guarantee the highest quality ends up on your table. We love the premise behind the brand: from our family to yours – it invokes that nostalgic feeling of shared stories, history, gatherings and family.

How To Put Together A Charcuterie Board 

Sandhurst article image

There are no right or wrong ways to create a charcuterie board, but to ensure a balance of textures and flavours try to include:

La Dolce Vita!

A summer of sophisticated entertaining doesn’t have to be hours and hours of work. We don’t want it to be! By grabbing some beautiful ingredients to fill your pantry next time you’re shopping, you’ll know that at a moment’s notice you’ll have everything you need for a Euro-inspired gathering. No fuss, but plenty of substance and style!


Ready to host your own summer gathering? Choose Sandhurst’s quality produce and look for the red lid.

Mouths of Mums is proudly working with Sandhurst to bring you this article.

  • I’ve really needed some inspiration this year for Christmas and this is great! I Love a good charcuterie board and I think I may do one this year for the family as well as all the regular Christmas trimmings. I have 6 kids and all the extended family coming to entertain and feed!


  • I’m loving all the ideas here in the comments and pictures above! I love to be able to just look at what others have done and straight up copy it. Takes all the thinking energy out of entertaining!
    Such a good and trusted brand to purchase over the silly season! You know you are faring great quality and value!


  • We often have homemade pizza nights aka fakeaway night! And my pizza is always on a low carb Pizza base with roasted and sundried tomato and capsicum. My fav combo with grilled chicken and a swirl of peri peri mayonnaise! Making our own is always better than takeaway versions and healthier!


  • Sandhurst products are my go to for great healthy and tasty snacks, especially after school.


  • Great information! Loved it. You can see https://reminiiapp.com/


  • Looked so good I couldn’t wait – Dove in off the end of my bread baton and swirled around in a couple of cheesy dips only to finish up at the Sandhurst stackers and sun-dried olives, who needs a Holiday when there is one in the kitchen, I can take any day.


  • I have been buying Sandhurst Kalamata Olives, Sandhurst Semi-Dried Tomatoes, Sandhurst Baby Capers, Sandhurst Sicilian Green Olives for years as our kitchen staple adding that extra flavours to our dishes. I buy Sandhurst products for Gift Baskets as presents for family and friends and they love this idea as I add a chopping board and a knife and crackers and cheese for a celebration of flavours.


  • Great ideas for entertaining guests and love that brand I buy it all the time


  • i buy this for family they love the brand and the taste of sandhurst and the different flavors and range to choose from and i find it great value for money, i re-use the jars when im done with for small items in the house.


  • I have been a purchaser of Sandhurst goods ever since they first appeared on supermarket shelves and still buy it to this day. The Sandhurst brand is the best without a doubt. This year I have not been able to find the Sandhurst cheese stuffed baby capsicums anywhere. I have tried to get on the Sandhurst site, but no luck with what they make. Help – these are such a wonderful addition to a salad.


  • Fantastic Article


  • I Love a good charcuterie board. I Love all the different options all on the one board. I love to do a chocolate board when we have guests over, it’s a fun way to do dessert after dinner. The kids love seeing everything layed out so they can pick and choose.


  • This is great for the grandchildren they love them as they use them as finger food and make up their own meal and use plenty of ingredients including meat and cheese on the dips and crackers. We keep it simple with the Sandhurst’s products as it is a meal in every jar and the kids love them.


  • This looks like the perfect relaxed way to have a picnic! I am loving the idea of this! Just bring along lots of fillings and plenty of cheeses and breads and of course a little alcohol and you’re all set. This sounds like the perfect way to catch up with friends!


  • I hate being taken to a third party page to enter comps.


  • Certainly most welcome for summer, and would be wonderful for the festive season. I can see this platter on the table Christmas Eve, when we get together with our neighbours.


  • Love the look of the olive on creamy fetta


  • This is timely and helpful, thanks – I aspire to entertain more and tips to make it less stressful are very welcome.


  • Charcuterie boards are the absolute best! We do these so often in the warmer months because there’s something for the whole family. People pick and choose what they like and there’s no complaints because there’s so many different options to choose from, everyone is happy. It’s such a simple stressful way to make dinner.


  • I absolutely adore finger food and this style of feeding people when we have family and friends at our home; or when we go out for a picnic, bbq or get together. These types of food are so easy to source and to buy and to prepare and to happily eat.

    • Yes I agree, finger foods are easy and yummie ! And you can assemble a healthy enough plate (certainly when you add salads, cheeses, nuts, fruits, boiled eggs, olives and rustic breads) that it can certainly can replace a meal (either lunch or dinner). Everyone happy and no hours of preparation in the kitchen 🙂

      • Also; the other bonus is less mess to clean up when cutlery is not needed. Finger food is the best for laid back and relaxed get togethers. There is always such a clam and relaxed feel to a finger food meal without the need for any fancy and stuffy table settings.


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