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Ah the hormones. THE HORMONES! Pregnancy messes with us big time, and don’t we know it. One minute we’re laughing, the next we’re a flood of tears. But the one saving grace is that we’re not alone!

With all of the incredible changes going on in our bodies, and the fact we’re growing tiny humans, it’s little wonder that the smallest (and strangest!) things can set us off when we’re pregnant. But just because we’re pregnant, it doesn’t mean we don’t have a sense of humour.

So we asked our Mouths of Mums community to let us know all of the ridiculous things that made them cry when they were pregnant. And now we can all laugh at their answers together!

38 Ridiculous Things That Made Pregnant Women Cry

  1. “I was at the butcher. He told me how much my meat cost, I burst into tears as it was so cheap.”
  2. “I had a recipe that required ‘baby’ artichoke hearts. I was really emotional that they didn’t get to grow first.”
  3. “My husband went fishing.”
  4. “The smell of dryer sheets.”
  5. “My cat very licking herself, it was unbearably loud.”
  6.  “My husband ate a Snickers in front of me and didn’t give me any.”
  7.  “I put too much milk in cereal.”
  8.  “Getting a hard egg instead of a soft one.”
  9. “Someone took a shower and fogged the bathroom mirror so I couldn’t see to straighten my hair.”
  10. “I ran out of tomato sauce.”
  11.  “My partner have me too many options for dinner and I couldn’t decide.”
  12.  “I sprayed toilet freshener under my arms instead of my deodorant.”
  13.  “I was making pancakes and they kept sticking to the pan I had. I broke down and cried my eyes out. I really wanted those pancakes.”
  14. “If I smelt a fart.”
  15. “My husband didn’t put the rubbish bin out.”
  16. “I cried for 3 hours because none of my clothes fit anymore!”
  17.  “The bread didn’t feel fresh when I squeezed it and the shelf stacker told me it was two days old.”
  18. “The Kleenex ad where the duckling goes and sits in the tissue box.”
  19. “Walking in a store and not remembering what I needed to buy.”
  20. “I couldn’t fit in my Zinger burger in after I at my chips, I had craved it so bad. I put it in fridge and when I went to eat it my partner had eaten it I cried for weeks every time I thought about it.”
  21. “I couldn’t get a small stain off my white coffee table.”
  22. “I dropped the flour while making scones.”
  23. “Ed Sheeran songs.”
  24. “My own vomit splashing onto my new slippers.”
  25. “I bought a Bubble O’ Bill ice cream. The gumball was faded and wet. I cried and threw the whole thing out of the car window.”
  26. “My eldest daughter got her ears pierced and I bawled my eyes out!”
  27. “There was two geckos fighting on the window outside. One was biting the others ear so I made my hubby go outside and split them up.”
  28. “A line of ants was walking to water in an outdoor water trough that had a puddle of water in base and some were drowning. They couldn’t be saved. My neighbour came over to ask if I was ok because I was bawling so loud while kneeling in the grass.”
  29. “McDonald’s had stopped doing their limited time only frozen Sprite. I could not stop crying. We didn’t live anywhere near a Maccas and I was so excited to get one. The poor girl serving me didn’t know what to do.”
  30. “My husband shaved his beard off.”
  31. “The audacity of Coles to not have any prawns left on Boxing Day.”
  32. “I found the cot I wanted, I went home and told my partner that I wanted to lay-by it, he said we’ll just go down and buy it… but I wanted to lay-by it.”
  33. “I forgot to wash the conditioner out of my hair.”
  34. “The weather forecast.”
  35. “I cried at a roundabout because I had to give way!”
  36. “I wanted the apple that i had just finished eating.”
  37. “Thinking my car had been stolen when I had to park it in a different spot.”
  38. “I got lost in the city department store on the escalator. I stood there on the escalator and cried.”

Hmmm … there are certainly two recurring themes that make pregnant women cry – food and their partners!

Did you cry over something ridiculous while pregnant? Let us know in the comments below.

  • Oh I cried a lot during pregnancy. I cried once because I didnt have apple pie, but it was in the freezer.


  • My problem is I cry like this all the time and I am not pregnant – so what excuse can I use?


  • I cried after the second antenatal class when we were shown a pair of forceps. Eeeek!


  • I dropped my glasses and didn’t want to bend down to pick them up…


  • I just cried everyday from my 24/7 morning sickness.


  • Totally relatable. I dissolved into tears if hubby ate any of the food I set aside for me to eat, he had other stuff for him, but every time i went to the fridge something else was missing, even 1 square of chocolate out of my packet and not his caused me to have an utter meltdown. Then I thought maybe this is how a toddler tantrum feels…


  • These are hilarious and I can 100% relate to them all!
    When I was pregnant with our first I went a bit ‘earth mother’ and despite being a terrible cook decided it would be a brilliant idea to make lasagna from scratch for my husband and step kids.
    I made the bechamal sauce and everything and put it in the oven…… went to clean the kitchen and noticed that I hadn’t used many lasagna sheets.
    Turns out I’d put one on the bottom and one on the top – it was a pie. I cried so hard.
    Hubby told the step kids to tell me it was the best lasagna they’d ever tasted. LOL


  • LOL some of those are just hilarious!


  • I can’t remember crying about anything ridiculous at all


  • Haha…these were pretty funny!! I cried when i found out i was pregnant with my third one at the end of first trimester almost and cried cz i thought i wont be able to practice driving my car anymore. Sounds ridiculous now


  • When I was pregnant with my third, I made a pavlova and hadn’t dressed it yet as it needed to cool. I sat down all tired and the kids were looking at me and I just cried. When asked why I was crying I blurted out “ I just want to eat Pavlova”. They’ve never let me for get it. Also with all three kids I’ve cried watch tv adds .


  • Some of these things are just frustrating when we are not even pregnant lol. It’s good to remember this happens and be more patient with pregnant Mums.


  • I cried that I wasn’t able to put a flat pack table together because I kept dropping the pieces. I can laugh now but at the time not so much!


  • I cried when I went to lunch at work and came back, someone had done my work for me! Oh the audacity.


  • I cried over anything and everything I watched on television. Comedy, drama, whatever genre … I just ended up crying every time.


  • I don’t remember crying over anything ridiculous. These responses all sound similar to reasons that toddlers have tantrums. They are very funny….but in a nice way.


  • I cried while I brought the work wheelie bins in. Still not sure why


  • Oh some of these definitely gave me a chuckle! Haven’t we all been emotional at times


  • Haha I remember being a little more emotional when pregnant and crying over a few things. This brings back memories of when I was pregnant with my daughter.


  • I remember being more generally emotional, but nothing to quite this level.


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