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If I asked who was leading a busy life right now, I would expect almost all of you would respond with a resounding yes.

It’s said that we live in the busy age, where a common response to “How are you?” is “I am so busy…”

Being a mum probably elevates you to the top of the busyness pile. It really is a 24 hour job, with night time feeding, morning routines, drop offs, pick ups, daytime activities, logistics management, teaching, caring, ferrying around, shopping, managing the household, working, dinner times, bedtimes, homework, play time and much, much more.

With so much happening and so many people relying on you, it is easy to see how you start to ignore your own needs and prioritise those around you.

Of course that beautiful little baby that you grew and gave birth to needs you. You are her everything and you are responsible for keeping her alive, teaching her, nurturing her, entertaining her and providing for her. That in itself is a huge responsibility.

Multiply that by the number of children you have. That is the role of mum covered. Then you have the role of wife or partner to cater for. And perhaps that of employee. Of course you will no doubt be a friend upon whom others rely. The list goes on.

So where do you feature? How much time and effort do you put into looking after yourself and catering for your own needs? Are you bottom of the list?

Mums are a critical cog in the family machine. To keep that machine running as it should be, all parts need to be serviced, maintained and treated gently. Put quite simply, if that cog breaks, then down goes the whole machine.

Every day I go to my local CrossFit gym and train for an hour. It is a non-negotiable part of my day and a very enjoyable part of my day. In that hour I socialise, challenge my body, focus my mind and set the tone for the rest of the day. It tops up both my mental and physical reserves.

Sadly a very common response I get from other mums is that they simply could not take that time away from their busy schedule. That it is wishful thinking that they would be able to free up enough time for this sort of commitment.

The fact that I rise at 4.30am each morning to do this is irrelevant. Even if this were only available to me at 7am or 8am then I would still do it. You see, taking time to look after myself and to focus on me makes me a better person.

Physically I am stronger and less likely to catch the bugs and viruses that the girls bring home with them. But it is so much more than that. I am happier, I am more confident, I am investing in myself, I have something which only belongs to me and I start every day with a smile.

What my family gets is a positive, energised, fit, healthy and strong mum. What my business gets is a focused, disciplined and fulfilled worker. What my friends get is a happy and positive woman.

Exercise is just one example of course. That may or may not be your thing. In fact it may absolutely be your worst thing. And that is fine. You may be creative. An hour working on a new painting or writing in your journal may soothe your soul and fill up your reserves. A walk along the beach with only your thoughts may be your thing.

We need to make sure that we are looking after our mental health and physical health and also that we are filling up our happiness buckets along the way.

Doing something, which we enjoy, which provides fulfilment to us will inevitably lead to higher self-esteem, more positivity and often more energy.

Investing in yourself, even small amounts of time or money will allow the best version of you to turn up. Instead of feeling cranky and frustrated, you may bring a smile and passion. Instead of feeling tired and unmotivated you will have a spring in your step.

So the next time you think that taking some time for yourself, or spending some money on yourself is selfish ask yourself this. Would you expect your children to grow and flourish without excitement, fun, enjoyment and positive experiences in their lives? No, I don’t think so. And I don’t think that you can either.

Do you take time out of each day for just you? Does it make you a better mum/wife/friend? Please share in the comments below.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • Its only selfish if you are showing no care for anyone else. For instance if you decide to go to the gym as your child is taken away in an ambulance. Thats selfish. Your child throwing a tantrum because they want you to tuck them into bed instead of Dad and you go to the gym anyway…..not selfish.


  • If you don’t take a moment for yourself you’ll end up forgetting who you are and we’re before you became a mother. You’ll end up not enjoying the precious moments you do have with your kids.
    Never feel guilty

    • yep take care of yourself so you can take care of others. self care


  • take care to provide best for children


  • It is vital for us to take care of ourselves to be our best!


  • I think it does. We spend so much time looking out for others, it’s good to take time for ourselves. I think we need to be a little selfish for our own mental Heath and wellbeing


  • i have gym equipment at home! i get up a little earlier to have some time to myself to get in the zone without interuption


  • don’t be a hater, I say… each to their own


  • Time spent on exercise and self care is not only important but pays dividends to you later and to your family and friends.


  • she looks in great shape


  • I get up early to do my devotional and I definitely feel better when I do.


  • The carer needs to look after themselves to care for whoever they are tending to be it child, relative etc. I like to read when bub has a nap for a little while.


  • Thanks Meg. I don’t spend time at the gym nor spend money on myself. I love the garden though, and my time out is spending time tending the vegetable patch, sometimes with children helping and sometimes not. In my mind it doesn’t matter if it’s gardening or craft or cooking or exercise, it’s whatever works for you and helps you relax. For me, gardening is relaxing and at the end of the day, I have something productive (and healthy to eat) to show for it.


  • Yes sometimes I do! Sometimes you do lots for a person and then when you ask them for a simple little favour it is way too hard or too far out of their way etc .Lol!


  • You need to take time out at any age. It is extremely hard sometimes, but even if it is only a few exercises at home, it’s better than nothing.


  • Some interesting points of view.


  • Whilst I’m new to the ‘taking care of me’ group, I absolutely agree. It does become a little about lifestyle/home situations, which is why it has taken me so long. With a hubby who leaves for work at 5.30am, I’m not interested in getting up before him to go for a walk in the dark in our neighbourhood. But, the stars have aligned and I now devote 3 mornings a week (after school drop off and before I start work) to walking for 30 minutes and I just love it. I was recently sick and it was raining so I didn’t walk for 2 weeks, and I hated it. I missed it. My son is older now and happier to be dropped off at school earlier so it works in so well for me. And I’ve finally taken up that yoga that I’ve been talking about for years. One hour of bliss for me a week. And I think it’s great for my family to see that I’m doing something for myself.


  • Do believe it can be hard when you have little ones and a lot of mums push on regardless as they feel it is their job to do so but one must remember if you go down/fall ill from neglect, then you are not there for the family. Time out and recharge is good for the mind, body and spirit.


  • Self care is good for everybody and ultimately brings happiness.


  • selfcare or selfish post is good


  • Lke it


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