
At just seven-years-old Kynlee Heiman has a six-pack to rival most body builders, and a dedication to training that would put most adults to shame.

The young gymnast and beauty pageant princess has more than half a million Instagram followers, where she shares her travels, modelling shoots, training and competitions. Kynlee’s mum, Angel, owned a cheer gym when Kynlee was a baby, so it seems she was destined to become an athletic superstar.

Kynlee Heiman

Her mums says Kynlee was just three-years-old when she first started showing an interest in sport.

“When Covid hit, I had a lot of equipment set up at home,” Angel told The Sun.

“One of her brothers started learning how to flip and she was three years old but very strong and would try doing things. I did sports all though high school. I was in gymnastics but she has definitely passed me.”

Kynlee Heiman

The young athlete trains for six hours a day, three times a week, and her fit physique has understandably gained huge attention.

“It’s definitely partly genetic,” her mum explained. “Three of my kids have abs and a stronger look to them but definitely work hard.”

Kynlee is also a keen model and actor, but her goal is to become an Olympic gymnast.

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  • It does look strange on someone so young, I wish mine looked like this


  • Good to see a fit child, wish her all the best for her goals of being in the Olympics one day.


  • As long as she is doing this because she loves to then that’s okay. I hope she’s not being pressured into exercising so much.


  • I just hope this is something this little girl does want to do and enjoy. Hopefully it’s not her parents pushing this on her.


  • Wow. My first thought is that it looks a little weird. But if she’s happy with what she’s doing exercise wise, that can’t be a bad thing.


  • I have no words for how gross and unnatural that looks. Let her have fun and be a kid


  • If this is what she wants to do then I think it’s fantastic. So long as she’s happy I think its great she has goals and aspirations.


  • I hope she has other choices about how to spend her day.


  • Professional gymnasts work incredibly hard.

    • They do indeed and often start at an early age to be able to reach that goal


  • That’s an amazing goal to become an olympic gymnast !


  • As long as its safe and healthy – kudos to her for having the persistence and determination at such a young age!


  • As long as she is healthy and happy…. and enjoying getting to be a child.


  • As long as she has balance in her life and isn’t overtraining, it’s better than other things she could be doing.


  • Better to see her go the sporting route than child pageantry. That’s such a toxic environment.

    • I agree; pageants for children or adults can be disturbing.


  • I hope that this little girl actually wants to do this and isn’t being pushed into it. She is a kid and training that much per day is excessive and over the top. I have a lot of feelings about this article but will stop there.

    • I 100% agree with this. I have a feeling this has more to do with the parents than what the child wants.


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