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A family is mourning the death of their newborn baby, who was mauled to death by the family dog in an ‘completely unprovoked’ attack.

Six-week-old Ezra Mansoor was sleeping in his cot at his home in Knoxville Tennessee, when the husky attacked. The tiny baby succumbing to his injuries six days later, on May 31.

baby killed in dog attack

First-time parents Chloe and Mark say in the eight years of owning their two huskies, they had never shown any history of aggression. Devastated mum Chloe says it could happen to any family.

“Just bring awareness that it could be any dog at any time. Completely unprovoked, no matter what the history is,” she told WVLT.

baby killed in dog attack

baby killed in dog attack

baby killed in dog attack

The family is now grieving the loss of their much-loved little boy, but have found comfort in knowing that other children will be saved through his organ donation.

“Being his mum was the biggest honour and the best thing I’ve ever done.

“Really don’t take anything for granted even if it’s a moment you’re annoyed in the the moment or frustrated in. All of those little moments are still so amazing.”

The dog responsible for the attack was taken to an animal shelter.

  • This is so sad.


  • This is absolutely horrific and so devastating for the family. They of course would never have imagined that their dog could do such a thing. So sad but is an important reminder that your pet is an animal, with animal instincts and therefore you can never be complacent and should never leave your pet alone with your child.


  • Such a devastating thing to have happened to their first child. I have heard of it happening before but there was never a reason. My heart goes out to them both.


  • That is horrific that poor bub. Never trust an animal, you can never know what’s ticking them off for them to just charge like that. Condolences to the family.


  • Devastating news, Thinking of them all. Dogs are beautiful creatures but can not be trusted no matter what.


  • This I’d awful 🙁 those poor parents


  • This is so heartbreaking


  • The poor couple dealing with such a loss . The dogs are a hunting breed. Too unpredictable around babies & kids.


  • I don’t know how this couple will deal with the loss. Very very sad.


  • A good reminder for us all. How brave of the family to share this story in the hope it won’t happen to anyone else.


  • So heartbreaking and nothing will bring them back.


  • I am very sad for this family, but I don’t trust dogs near children.

    • No indeed. When my son was about 2 yrs old he pointed excitingly to a dog (from several meters distance). The dog came running after him and and bit him through the clothing in his tummy. My son had a fear for dogs for years. I have some fearful dog experiences myself as well


  • This is so devastating. I am so, so sorry for this poor family.


  • At the end of the day dogs are still animals, no matter how well you think you know them. They can be unpredictable and it’s always best to be cautious. I really feel for this family. I can’t imagine anything so horrible!


  • You should never trust an animal with your children, supervision is key. I disagree with the ‘unprovoked’ claim though. Dogs don’t attack for no reason, so something happened for the Husky to attack and kill this baby. I’m very saddened that the dog was taken to a shelter, it’ll most likely be euthanased. Very sad all round


  • This is sad and tragic but animals should never be trusted with children alone.


  • That is so sad. All dogs are capable of biting or attacking. Never ever trust them around children.


  • How heart breaking this is !
    it shows dogs are not to be trusted around the vulnerable. Hope the dog was put down

    • My thoughts & prayers go out to the grieving family

      • Of course the dog would be put down, no second chances for dogs after they’ve bitten a human, no matter what the circumstances. It’s just paedophiles, rapists, murderers etc that get second, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc etc etc chances ????


  • We had this happen in our suburb too. It rocked the community. So so terribly sad….


  • This is why you can’t have big dogs with babies! They get super jealous!! Poor darling died for no reason. I hope that dog was put down!

    • Yes, such unnecessary death. Terribly sad !


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