
21 Comment

I admit it. I’m addicted to writing lists. Grocery lists, bills to pay lists, daily chores lists, etc. I love it when I have to organise something like a party or Christmas as it gives me the opportunity to write even more lists! My husband thinks I’m nuts and doesn’t quite get it but, that’s okay.

Posted anonymously, 27th June 2015

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  • nothing wrong with being organised!


  • I am also addicted to lists, I make shopping lists, dinner lists, present lists, to do lists, what I owe lists and the list goes on!


  • I am also a list person! I feel it keeps things clear and I like ticking them off as I go…sense of accomplishment


  • I’m with you on writing lists! If I didn’t have a shopping list I would forget half my needs. If I didn’t have my diary I would forget half my appointments. If I didn’t have my to do lists I wouldn’t have anything to do! lol


  • Lol as long as the lists are helping you to be/feel organised and keep on top of things then enjoy them 🙂 My husband is also a fan of writing him self reminder etc. only thing is I then find little piles of them that he has actually forgotten to read/get back to after he has written them ha ha well each to their own.

    • Sorry, forgot to add thanks for sharing!


  • I am not addicted to writing them but feel very satisfied when I write one and then cross it off once completed. You must be super organised person, I would say keep it up.


  • Lists are so satisfying to make and to cross off. Are we people who like list making more driven – or just forgetful?


  • I don’t like writing the lists, but I love crossing things off to do lists!


  • LOL at my house it’s my husband who loves writing lists.

    • I don’t think his to do list ever gets any shorter!


  • I’m a diary/written list person. Mobile phone just didn’t work for me. I enjoy physically crossing out the things I have completed for the week.


  • Ditto my hubby hates it when i write lists, but when i dont we always forget things. Keep it up at least it means your are organised and not lacking anything that runs out.


  • To do lists can be a big help.


  • It’s a great way to keep organised.


  • I love a good list … which reminds me I need to write a list of my lists 🙂

    • LOL! Love this comment-very funny! 🙂


  • Nothing wrong with a good list-love ticking off my lists. Keeps everyone and everything organised.

    • yep it helps to be organised and stress less. keeps your mind clear


  • lol i suppose it keeps you organised and you stress less because it is all written down. S o i would say that you are just super organised!


  • I don’t get it either but that’s ok.
    We are all different


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