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Both of my boys were diagnosed with ADHD and yes I did use medication for about 2years but never Ritlan as this is not good.From the ages of 5yrs & 7yrs I had them on 1 tablet with breakfast only on school days and 1 tablet at lunch at school.I took them to the best specialist in QLD & on his door he had his very bad report card .His advice was the ADAHD is the reason for their behaviour but not an excuse for their behaviour.On the medication they both focused at school and I’m happy to say both have outgrown this condition and both are sucsessful.Lot’s of fresh air and exercise they are both martial arts players the youngest is Australian champion and the oldest also did well with many titles.The oldest was also diagnosed with Aspergust.The daily routine was adhered to and disciplane was also adhered to with a little smack and time outs.The rules never changed even though they tested these boundaries and as parenst we showed a united front.Only 1 hour of TV for the kids shows morning and night then it was swithched of when they were older only the History channel was shown .Holidays were spent at the park or pool and doing sporting activities when kids are tied they sleep.We also went to many places and explored nature reserves.So if your kids are diagnosed be firm, listen to the specialist, get a routine and stick to it plus plenty of fresh air and exercise and you will survive a very trying time.Good luck

Posted by have a happy day, 17th October 2013

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  • kids


  • Yes exercise i found was the key. Wearing them out in a positive way is great through sports. Working out where their strengths are


  • I think you advice about rountine, fresh air and exercise works for all kids.


  • My former step son was also ADHD and aspergers with an intellectual disability thrown in ( level 6). He could not read till he was 12, he was at his best with routine and running, we also put him on a special diet recommended by dietician, interesting the foods that set him off were not the usual suspects. He struggled in regular school but thrived in special ed, now has a job, and lives independently -something we believed in but few others did. You are so right fresh air, sport and real foods not processed and a belief and he learned to fly.


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