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I had my son induced due to braking my public bone or medical terms sympnis pubis anyhow after having my son I had to stay in hospital a little over a week due to having physio and learning to walk properly again, while I was in there I noticed my sons breathing didnt sound right so I notified the nurses on duty and they had a baby doctor come around to cheak him over they said he seemed fine everything was normal as the days went on I was due to be discharged with my son and I still wasn’t sure about his breathing so I had another baby doctor sus him out they said everything was normal and I was discharged home.. few days later I started worrying about my son and hes breathing more I couldnt sleep at all so I called up the paediatrion I saw as a baby and he offered to see him asap a few days later I took him in to see the doctor and he agreed with me and offered to do a sleep study over night. That was booked in a week later we stayed at randwick childrens hospital overnight thr nurses didnt say much and 2 days later the doctor asked for me to come in urgently with bub turns out he had sleep apnea and stopped breathing 10 times in an hour so every 6 minutes for at least 10 seconds so he had to sleep with this machine on him every night and it would alarrm if he stopped breathing for longer then 20 seconds as he was high risk for SIDS.. point of my story is always trust your gut feeling because its always right.. and even if you get a second opinion and your tummy still doesnt feel right get a 3rd or 4th one always trust your gut instints… photo attached is my son asleep at home now 2 monitoring his oxygen levels while he sleeps…
Posted by kirrajettkash, 12th September 2013
mom172741 said
- 23 Aug 2016
BellaB said
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maryphilip said
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mom57522 said
- 07 Jan 2015
sparkle7 said
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- 13 Sep 2013
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