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I am having issues with the father of my soon to be daughter. We were somewhat together for a while and then he ended up having to move away due to his choice in his career, and then when he came back to visit I got pregnant, he insisted on me not going through as he didn’t love me, and maybe if he did he would want to continue this. Hearing this was a huge stab to my heart, as we had exchanged I love yous etc for a little while before he left. I think he said it to try and hurt me to make me feel as upset as he was but instead just made me more determined to do this without him. He also has been really nasty to me leading up to my decision to keep the baby. Anyway, he sort of came around for a small bit but quickly turned dark again once people started questioning whether he was the father or not (to which only my close friends and family know). I basically was fed up with being called and treated like shit pretty much and got made for the first time and basically told him to F off. Since then there has been minimal contact and he’s requested a DNA test before he gets named on the birth certificate – which I am 100% okay with and think is fair. Its just how he’s gone about it and how nasty and rude he’s been. It just sucks with the reality kicking in of being a single momma. ANd its just been rough, especially when I still hope he is gonna come around, and be supportive and there. I just maybe would love some tips on how to cope and be the best mumma, especially single mumma.
Posted anonymously, 7th October 2020
babymumma said
- 16 Apr 2021
Post a comment11:51 am
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