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I was 35 weeks pregnant with my last child, I had a heavy bleed and went to the local hospital to get checked out. After the examination, they told my husband that I wasn’t in labour, that the baby wasn’t going to be born tonight and since they were giving me a morphine shot for the pain, that he should go home, have a couple of beers and get some rest to be back first thing in the morning when the doctors would decide what they were going to do…
It seems our littlest princess had other ideas… The morphine didn’t stop the pain and at approximately 2am the midwife came in to check on me and when he looked at the fetal heart monitor he discovered irregularities in her heartbeat. He told me that he was calling the doctor back and that I should call my husband to come back in as we would be going to theatre for an emergency C-section.
First I tried the home phone…. 3 times… rang out…. no answer.
So I called my 16 year old son’s mobile, he answered 4th ring.. agreed to go wake my husband.
My husband says a sleepy “hello”…
I say “honey we are going to theatre…”
His response ” What are we going to see?”
At the time I really didn’t see the funny side of it… my response (the clean version) “No you…….. we are going to theatre to have the baby…….. get your ……… HERE NOW!!”
As I hung up they came in to wheel me to theatre…. I refused to let them put the needle into my back until he was in the building. As soon as he walked into the Accident and Emergency he was whisked upstairs, shown where to change and met me at the operating table with a sheepish look on his face.
For the past 6 years this has been a long standing funny joke 🙂
Posted by caramellosdream, 1st September 2013
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