
14 Comment

Why is it that being a stay at home mum make most people think you are a lazy person that sit on your butt all the time. I have three little ones 5 year, old 2 1/2 year old and a 7 month old. With my first two I went back to work but now I have three it just going to cost so much putting them into kindy.
There is so much judgements out there its really gets to me .

Posted by alyce, 5th July 2014

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  • I can relate ,someone needs to be home to organise & clean .Yes us homies are not fully appreciated.


  • top story to read great


  • Don’t allow anyone to judge you or validate you. Is their opinion worth more than yours? No! Stay at home or work; it is your choice and nobody else’s business!


  • All parents should be valued regardless of status and position.


  • This is one of my pet peeves! I will happily rent my life to anyone that says a SAHM is lazy/ they don’t work. Last time I checked we work a lot harder for a lot longer. No one could ever pay me enough for what I do being a nurse, councilor, teacher, personal chef, house maid and Butler, toy engineer/repairer, artist and crafter and finally, my favorite tickle monster impersonator! We may not get all the perks of a “real job” but I think our babies smiles and giggles are worth so much more


  • Don’t feel guilty. If you have five minutes to sit down, take it. Life is busy even without children, add their demands and the time you get for you diminishes. To those who judge – tell them what for!


  • The people who make those judgements are often ignorant of the situation or just biased in their opinions. Sadly it is difficult to fix, and women don’t often support each other. I’m joining the SAHM ranks for a while and my husband and I discussed how this was a full time job that requires recognition a lot more from society. Congrats on your decision and take note of your children’s behaviour by blowing a mental raspberry to anyonewho ssays anything negative about it.


  • Lazy? Hahaha… I wish! I have never worked so hard in any other ‘paid’ job I had. I am up before most people start work, don’t get a lunch break, my ‘boss’ is always screaming and complaining (typical two year old) and I don’t get paid overtime. There is no ‘clocking off’ and there is no sick leave or holiday leave either. But there are some really great benefits like watching your child discover something for the first time and the look of wonder and excitement in their eyes.


  • I totally understand. I find that people also just think you are rich but when daycare is more than you are bringing home doesn’t make you made of money


  • Thank you. I feel like on one hand im so lucky to be at home mum watching my beautiful children grow up But on the other hand I should get back to work so that I can prove to people that I dont work..


  • I find it sad how women aren’t very supportive of each other. Its tough being a Mum.

    • Totally agree. It’s kind of a double edged sword. If you stay at home some people have certain perceptions and if you go to work some people have certain perceptions. I feel for the role of a woman in today’s society and wonder how far we really came with equal rights. We are now expected to be the perfect mother, look amazing all the time, go to work, keep and run a clean home etc. if you ask me the role of a woman and mother has only become tougher due to the pressures of society. I totally agree that we should live and let live and support each other whatever way we choose to go. We can all learn from each other 🙂


  • I was a stay at home Mum and proud of as was my Mother I always loved the fact I knew where my Mum was if I needed her. I wish the fairies did all the washing cleaning cooking and the large list of other things to get done. A stay at home Mum does not get a break for morning tea lunch afternoon tea and can go to the loo on their own as well as have adult interaction

    • Very well said, agree 100%.
      I also was a stay at home mum and would not have had it any other way. I was always there for them, was there for their firsts. We do not have one profession, we have MANY, a nurse, a councillor, a teacher, a care-provider and the list goes on and on, that’s a loving mum.
      Another mum on here posted a story about being a proud SAHM (stay at home mum) so hello and welcome to the club, enjoy your time with your wonderful children and remember the people that criticise are more than likely jealous.


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