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Its less than 2 months away and I am excited, excited because I have 3 little girls eager to write Santa a letter to tell them what they want for Christmas. Also to say that they won’t be at their house for Christmas but will be having Christmas with family up at Maxville.
Christmas was just Christmas when it was just my husband and it but now to have 3 miracle girls, it just means so much more. Its fun and exciting getting ready for the big day, preparing and enjoying in the celebration of what Christmas is all about.
I am almost ready with the present side of things, just a few more and I am done.
We are going to make our own Christmas decorations and have a real Christmas tree and try and have a bright beautiful house full of love and happiness and giving.
This is going to be an awesome Christmas with our family this year and I can’t wait!
Posted by kjgarner, 31st October 2013
mom57522 said
- 08 Jan 2015
sanjipanj said
- 31 Oct 2013
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