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So…..we have a toddler and two cats at home, which is not a good combination for all the decorations on a Christmas tree. Apart from wrapping it in gladwrap or hanging in from the ceiling, we decided on a different option and decorated the Norfolk Pine in our back yard. We’ve still hung tinsel and a star, but some of the decorations weren’t outdoor friendly so there is a lot more tinsel than usual.
I’m pretty impressed but hope we don’t have gale force winds in the meantime.
Last year wasn’t very festive, due to various reasons….so we hung a magic tree air freshener from the air conditioning vent.
This year it’s just me, my two girls and grandson – a bit of an orphans Christmas but I’m sure we’ll enjoy it outside with a non traditional bbq and tree.
Have you had an unusual tree or a Christmas Dinner that isn’t very traditional?
Posted by paulah2, 14th December 2015
mom94125 said
- 28 Dec 2015
paulah2 said
- 15 Dec 2015
mom90758 said
- 15 Dec 2015
paulah2 replied
- 15 Dec 2015 , 8:23 pm
mom93821 said
- 15 Dec 2015
mom93821 said
- 14 Dec 2015
mom165081 said
- 14 Dec 2015
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