I thought with Easter upon us I would clear up a few common misunderstandings around Food Allergies. I say with Easter as in my house it’s Dairy that is the danger.
I don’t like to judge people on not knowing or fully understanding what an allergy is, as before this became our world I’m sure I was in the same boat. But it does get a little frustrating when you hear people tell you they are Allergic to wheat but they can eat a little bit. Or they are Allergic to something and then they order/buy food containing the product because they don’t realise it’s in it.
It’s like the world has gone mad with the latest health fads so it’s cool to say you can’t eat that. Not only this but when someone says just give him a little bit this once, a special treat.
My Son is Anaphylactic to Dairy, not many people know that Dairy is something you can be allergic to. And one of the first things I’m asked is, “Is it the Lactose?” The answer is no, if you are allergic to Dairy it’s The whole thing. The next thing I am asked is,”oh but he can have Goats Milk?” The truth is Dairy is the milk produced by any animal, including Humans.
Even once this is explained it’s quite common for people to say, “what about Cheese, Yoghurt, Chocolate?” And the answer is if it’s made from the product your Allergic to, then you can’t have it.
The other one that does make me laugh is Oh no theres eggs in this. It’s amazing how many people have eggs in the dairy section in their minds. To which I reply with a giggle, “Do cows lay eggs?”
To better explain an Allergy V’s Intolerance it all comes down to the reaction. If you are Allergic to something then it will affect you organs. This includes your skin (being your largest organ).
Everyone will react slightly differently and with different severities and that is why an epipen must be on hand at all times.
Intolerance affects the tummy/bowels, and why people will be bloated or get the runs ect. It is the body not coping with the food.
It wasn’t till I took my son to an Allergist that i had this explained to me, and realised how important it is to use the correct words when explaining whats wrong. I still have much to learn and am constantly on my toes when it comes to my son, and his surroundings especially if we go out for dinner. But this is my world and keeping him safe is my responsibility.
Posted by channiib, 19th April 2014
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