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Here is a little insight into my family, I am married to a wonderful man who is my best friend and soul mate, the person I lean on and love with all my being. We have been married for 14 years and have 4 beautiful children three girls and finally we were blessed with a son. Life was good, albeit stressful but very good, we had returned from a 18month secondment to the UK with my husband’s work and welcomed our son into the world 4 weeks after arriving on hallowed Aussie soil, everything was perfect until that dreadful day.
It was our sons first birthday, family and friends were coming to celebrate and we were hectically preparing when my husband felt a lump in his throat. A week or two before his voice had changed become more husky and we both thought he had a virus, he even went to the Dr but had not noticed the lump. I reassured him that it was probably a gland inflamed by his cold, little did we know then that it was far more sinister.
A friend is a GP and he reassured us that while it was unlikely to be a gland it might be a cyst on his thyroid and to get it check asap. We did. It wasn’t. It was the big C. Our world came crashing in on itself. All I could think of was don’t you dare leave me alone, how was I going to cope, 4 kids under 7 and no income.
We were reassured that while being cancer “If you were going to get cancer then this is the best one to get” To be honest I’d rather not have it at all! Within weeks he was in surgery to have a total thyroidectomy and lymph node removal. Weeks after that radiation treatment and due to the children being affected by his treatment, he had to be away for a week. This time was both frightening and stressful, how was I going to tell the kids, in the end I was honest “kids, Dad has a nasty lump in his throat he is really sick and it is possible that it might just be us if the surgery and treatment is not successful. I need your help to stay strong for us and for dad.” And they were.
It has now been nearly a year since his operation and treatment, granted we are not out of the woods but there is a definite light at the end of the tunnel and we will be walking there together.
Posted by kmwalters, 31st May 2013
pakeko said
- 15 Oct 2015
mom113055 said
- 23 Apr 2015
mom57522 said
- 03 Jan 2015
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