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I was recently called an unfit mum by a relative. She said and I quote :” You are an unfit mum and doesn’t know how to take care of your daughter.” The reason for calling me that? She saw a photo of me giving my 8 months of bub a piece of rib bone to suck on. She said I shouldn’t give her meat because she is so young… Which is not even true!!!

I was furious!! Out of all reasons!!! Being called an unfit is basically the cruelest comment you can say to a mother who devoted 24 hours a day to her daughter, quit her job to be a full time mum and wife. I am not saying I am a perfect mum but surely not UNFIT just because I gave my girl a piece of meat to chew?!!! Oh the common sense in some people!

Posted by yyon4699, 14th January 2014

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  • Who doesn’t give their bubs a bone to chew on? Bit of an over reaction?! My dad threatened to call welfare on me one day….because my 2 yo was having a tantrum :/ Go for it I said, I’m not doing anything wrong


  • top story


  • Same old story, we can choose our friends but not our relatives, I always gave my kids meat to chew on, obviously made sure that they could not choke on the bones etc, but I always believed that the more tastes and textures that you can get kids to try at an early age then the easier it is to have them eat a varied diet as they get older.. good luck.


  • No way! You are not an unfit mother!


  • what a B***H, she has no right even if she disagrees about what age to feed meat to babies.


  • Some people are just ‘tossers’ and you’re right what she said was cruel, what a spiteful individual, please don’t feel bad, you know you’re a good mother and that’s all that counts.


  • Just ignore silly people like that. You know what your doing for your daughter. Pity the other woman hasn’t learnt to mind her own business yet!


  • some people will never change there ways and are just horrible! don’t listen to a word of it


  • Just ignore them. As a mum, you know what to do and the best for your daughter.


  • the older generation has always been harsh to judge quickly, and refuse to learn a lesson with time, what was good for them, is still the only thing good now.


  • I am shocked that someone would say that! Unbelievable!


  • hate people that do that they have no idea them self, dont worry about others and just look after yourself and kids


  • some people can make you so angry


  • This just makes me furious. No one has the right to put another person down like that!


  • I can relate – I too stopped working and devoted all of my time to my daughter. I had my father-in-law say I was depriving my daughter because I wouldn’t give her peanut butter or honey on her rusks. She was just over 6 months old. Would be much easier if people stopped and thought about what they were saying! Smile and say thank you – if nothing else it really annoys people trying to put you down 🙂


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