

I was driving my son to kindy one day & we were talking about when he as a baby and I told him that he was inside my tummy. His next question was…did you eat me mummy? I couldn’t reply to this for 2 reasons, one I didn’t know what to say and 2 I was laughing so much. :-)

Posted by Dee, 25th September 2015

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  • lol did you say yes! that would have been funny to see the look you get lol #sideeye
    Kids are so funny and their theories about things are so funny


  • This is so funny. It’s a pretty logical train of thought for a little one when you think about it lol.


  • My son is currently in prep and is loving every day, he has pretty good reading skills. A tip that I would like to share is how you can encourage your children to read whilst they are watching TV. They are learning without knowing it. When my son is watching his cartoons or any other show, we turn on the closed captions on the TV so the words are printed on the screen. He is tries to read what is printed and this encourages him to want to learn to read even more. Hope this helps other families. :-)


  • My son is currently in prep and is loving every day. He has pretty good reading skills. On tip that I would like to share is how you can encourage your children to read whilst they are watching TV. They are learning without knowing it. When my son is watching his cartoons or any other show, we turn on the closed captions on the TV so the words are printed on the screen. I find that he is trying to read what is printed and this encourages him to want to learn more reading. Hope this helps other families. :-)


  • did you eat me


  • That’s great! Thanks so much for sharing this!


  • So many kids ask this question!


  • Were you so hungry that day to eat him??? :D


  • LOL! Very funny and cute! I would laugh too! :)

    • You should use this when your child is older – it will make them cringe and laugh! ;)


  • hahahah oh how I love the things kids come out with!!!!!


  • That made me laugh so much


  • Haha kids say the funniest things!!


  • Kids say the cutest thing sometimes.


  • Oh that is funny but a tricky question to answer.


  • Ha ha what a difficult question to answer….well, not really if it was you and me. But for you and your kindy kid……could take some careful explaining


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