6 Comment
I too agree with you. I see the both sides of the coin; so to speak but there are a lot of reasons why a sick child should not be sent to daycare. I used to feel quite angry with the amount of times my 2 year old came home sick and I would keep him home for the duration of the infectious period every time- and see how many sick children were continuing to be sent to the centre. Sending a sick child to daycare only exposes everybody to the illness and some illnesses can be very serious or even fatal to babies (who also attend daycare). I work in a hospital and I remember one mother bring her child to emergency with chicken pox and being angry that a daycare had refused to allow her child to attend until being medically cleared. It was so frustrating for me to have to emphasise with her and to explain why she should not take a sick child to daycare. I also think that it has a big impact on a childs emotional development. When children are really sick they often want love and comfort and sending them off to a facility where their needs may not be met due to large numbers- not enough staff.. demanding children etc the child may not understand why the parent/s went to work and left them in daycare and even feel some emotional distress. The main goal of being a parent is to do the best job we can in looking after our childs emotional, physical and social needs. Parents want their children to feel safe, loved and valued and I know myself; as a parent that my children are the most important thing in my life. When you weigh everything up, a question I have pondered on is – who is more important Work or children? It can be easy to say that we need to give more attention to work as we work to provide for our children but someone once told me that our children should come first as we don’t choose to raise families to put them second to work. We have children to enrich our lives and that family should be more important than our work. Now I realize that there are all types of families out there including single mothers and you need to do what is best for your family but I encourage everyone to think twice about sending a sick child to daycare… maybe if more parents kept sick children home there would be less sickness spread through the facility and other kids wouldn’t have to be kept home as much, just to prevent the vicious cycle. Plus can you imagine how awful it would be to have every child sick on the same day? And another thing is that daycare staff aren’t qualified in management of illness. So I think in deciding whether to send your sick child to daycare or not the question we should all ask ourselves is- Who do you think is better able to care for your child appropriately when they are sick? And are you happy with your decision?
Posted by preggiegoddess01, 23rd April 2013
BellaB said
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