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i was 5-6 weeks prego a week later i was bleeding i didnt think nothing of it then later that night i got cramps hit the deck and couldn’t move i was in soooo much pain my friend came and took me to the hospital as i was falling asleep in pain lucky she did as i nearly lost my life cause as soon as i got to the hospital straight away i was in and upstairs having a emergency operation as it had ruptured and lost a overie and tube. the baby was growing in my tube i never had heard of this before and boy was it painful i am soo scared to try again as i was internally bleeding and that was nearly the end of me and the thought of my 5 children having no mum scares the hell out of me. if only i had a scan a week before i would of been ok so now i have a massive scare and one overie left i hope one day i can overcome this fear and be able to try again. just dont understand how i have had 5 children with no problems at all , all with easy pregnancies and births and then this happen.

Posted by koolkidz, 24th August 2013

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  • How sad, I’m hopping you get over your fear to try again.


  • oh dear you poor thing sending love


  • Sorry you had to go through this. I can’t imagine how difficult this time is for you. I wish you all this best.


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