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I am seriously over family, I thought I had the most perfect in-laws, until I had my son.. Well pregnant with him.
After that, everything well best way to say, went to shit.
I have to explain a little about myself for anyone to understand the full story.
Here Is a little detail about me, you may hate me from reading this, frankly I don’t care too much.
I got pregnant at 21, my partner is 4 years older. (Engaged)
So I am a smoker (hate that I started, want to quit, trying!), I have mental health problems, well in fact to be completely honest, I have bi-polar, anxiety, paranoia, a few more but doesn’t need to go into full details. I also had a car accident a few years back now, which caused back issues, which we didn’t know how I would be, but we didn’t care. We knew we would love one and do anything possible.
I have loved children and wanted one of my own for years. Thank you to good old medical issues, we didn’t know if it was possible.
Anyway, I think that’s enough description of myself.
I had the most amazing mother in-law, the one you dream of having, who can have a joke about her son, the one you can confide in. Well it was just amazing, his parents are split up and his dad is a little, different, one that you can never please, but that wasn’t an issue. Sooo many brothers, well not that many, but more than any family I have met. Everyone was amazing, I seemed to get along with everyone even though I was just different (Piercings, tattoos, coloured hair, just a bit different.) It was amazing, I have hard issues fitting in with people straight away as I am quite self-conscious.
We ended up deciding that at the beginning of the third trimester, we would move to a different state to live with his mum, step dad and half sister. There was a wedding on the way, so we figured why not?!
When we got there, it was amazing, but soo HOT! Like, you wouldn’t believe, I felt like I was going to die! I was looking for a car, so I could drive myself around, but my wonderful MIL said it’s okay, I will take you. The house was right near the biggest hill in my life, so I knew I couldn’t walk it, in heat, pregnant, and back problems, who could?! But coming up to my first appointment at centrelink (not even the hospital!). All of a sudden, she couldn’t take me, so I was organising a taxi, luckily my partner finished work early and took me. Then my birthday came around, I couldn’t believe it, only my SIL said happy birthday! WHAT THE?!
I ended up crying on my birthday, realising how much I missed my family, we both missed our normal area. We decided to move back, letting my MIL know every detail as to what was happening, well the day of, she didn’t wake up. Left later than planned, didn’t wake her, as I was planning on sending EVERY bit of my savings as a thank you. Well we got abused and not very nice things were said to and about me, she called everyone in his family saying oh so nasty lies about me. Mind you, before we left, I told my SIL to let her know how much I thought of her, tell her we said goodbye the usual as to what a MALE usually forgets. But according to these rumors, I said nothing, walked out on everyone, etc. etc.
You can already guess the hype about me having smoked, well my other TWO SILS, both did drugs while they were pregnant, knew one drank, yet they continue to make sure that no-one knew that, yet they focused on all my bad points (Smoking and my supposedly fake mental health and back issues.) When my baby was diagnosed being extremely small (maybe or maybe not to do with smoking, both my partner and I were very small babies). Everyone automatically jumped to nasty conclusions, they all found the need to make sure they would complain publicly on facebook, yet be so nice to my face.
I could make this store into a book if I went into to details, but the thing that pisses me off about this whole thing, is that it is a mum on mum attack. Why do mum’s feel the need to feel like better mums? Try to make others feel back about being different?! This isn’t necessary! Be nice! Help! Stop judging what other’s do or don’t do, if they don’t neglect their child, it’s none of your damn business!
Angry mummy.
Posted anonymously, 4th June 2015
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