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I distinctly remember my firstborns 1st birthday party, when she was sitting on the ground holding her tummy & rocking backwards & forwards. I went and picked her up and she just hugged me, I was baffled as to why she was doing that. As she got older it was becoming a regular occurance, I would find her sitting down holding her tummy and rocking backwards and forwards?? So we called it ‘bopping’ My husband and I thought maybe it was because she was lonely? so we would give her a cuddle. Then we thought maybe it was because she was in unfamiliar surrounds because she would ‘bop’ more when we were out? I had given birth to our second child 20 months later, by this point in my tiredness of having another baby and frustrated by not knowing why she would ‘bop’ my husband and I thought it must just be a bad habit so we would ask her why she ‘bopped’ she never had an answer so every time we saw her ‘bopping’ we would tell her to stop and she did! so we thought well it is just a bad habit & will have to keep on top of it and tell her to stop to break the habit. This continued to go on….I had then given birth the our 3rd child another 24mths later and the saga still continued every time we caught her ‘bopping’ we would ask her why and she never had an answer so we would tell her to stop. After giving birth to out 4th child last Oct. Our firstborn was then 5yrs old and in prep class at school. I had started to notice that she would ‘bop’ when she had a biscuit or a piece of cake or bread & would often refuse to eat it….. thought I’m going to take all of those things out of her diet and see how she goes. But would still sometimes it sandwiches etc. I started to notice a huge change in her she was a lot happier and her behavior was a lot better when she didn’t eat those types of foods, but still had no idea why those foods were affecting her? By this stage she must have been starting to work out which foods hurt her tummy because she would often say “I don’t want any”. One afternoon I caught her ‘bopping’ and once again said ‘why do u do that darling?’ she says ‘my tummy is sore….it makes my tummy feel better if I hold it and rock’ Oh man!!! did I feel terrible!!! Turns out she is gluten intolerant. I didn’t even know what gluten was?!!! She was just never able to explain why she was ‘bopping’ until she understood it herself. Now she is 6 and doing really well, no more ‘bopping’ she has a gluten free diet but can tolerate one thing every now & again that’s not gluten free. It took 5 years for us to work it out….wish it had been a lot sooner!!!

Posted by young mum of 4, 12th September 2013

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  • The important thing is that you did figure it out… Its hard to get kids to try and explain something when they really don’t know how too. Don’t beat yourself up about it =)


  • felt so bad


  • It takes some people until they are adults to work it out…. you did well.


  • Don’t feel bad, in the end you figured it out!


  • Oh I’m glad you finally worked it out! It make me wonder about my son and things he does and whether here is more to it or if it is just a thing! Glad she is doing well now!!


  • Having 4 kids is a feat in itself. I am glad everything got sorted.


  • im glad its sorted now


  • Amazing, it is so hard to work kids out when they can’t explain what’s going on. I’m glad all is sorted now.


  • Wow, so glad that you worked out what the bopping was all about. Don’t be hard on yourself, as there would have been no way you could have known what was causing this.
    On another note, you are an awesome mummy, four kiddies 5 & under, pat yourself on your back xx


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