7 Comment
When my son was younger I used to always have him in the highchair at the bench while I made dinner. As he got into that 3-4 stage I seemed to forget how great this time was for us to bond. At nearly 6, it is something I have started again, which benefits us as a family in many ways.
On Sundays I have a ‘freezer filler’ cooking day. For an hour or two I make 3 meals that can be frozen to make some nights easier during the week.
And now my son joins me, making himself muffins or cookies for school. We have made a big production out of it. We each have our aprons and he knows where all the bowls, measuring spoons etc are.
I don’t get frazzled just trying to get ahead with what I want to cook, because I can do exactly that, while he makes himself something. We talk and we laugh. I teach him about shapes, sizes, measurements, fractions etc in a fun way.
The best part – my sons laughter and smile.
Posted by Tinarh, 18th April 2016
rachelvk said
- 23 Apr 2016
mom81879 said
- 22 Apr 2016
mom90758 said
- 19 Apr 2016
mom165081 said
- 19 Apr 2016
mom93821 replied
- 19 Apr 2016 , 7:04 am
mom93821 said
- 18 Apr 2016
BellaB said
- 18 Apr 2016
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