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With our heat wave at the moment, I think all parents should watch this and take notice. I cried while watching it as it truly does pull at your heart strings

Australian heatwave conditions prompt emergency services to warn parents not to leave kids unattended in hot cars, but are parents listening? Watch this powerful dramatised video showing the dangers of leaving a child in a hot car. Warning: this video may cause emotional distress for some viewers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNDWN8KDVSM

Please watch and share with your friends and family and let them know how hot it gets and how dangerous our cars really are

Posted by mouse, 17th January 2014

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  • It doesn’t matter how many times it had been said, people will still do it .


  • I cannot believe a responsible, loving parent would even consider leaving there child unattended in a car EVER, let alone on hot days. I never left mine. I don’t even leave my dogs in the car!


  • great to read this story


  • i would not ever leave my kids in the car and in summer, that is just cruel


  • im glad its cooler weather now


  • I will never understand how someone can leave their kind in a car period, let alone during a heat wave


  • As hard as it can be, especially with toddlers, never ever leave them in the car. Not only is there the danger of heat but also abduction. It may sound alarmist but it has happened before.


  • it really does get so hot in a car 🙁


  • i cant watch thing like this


  • Hi KATELT totally agree with you…what if the women slipped over in the shop? no one would know she had children in the car if she was knocked out. Food for thought..When we think we are only going to be a few minutes something could happen and it could be a few hours…


  • Hi KATELT , i’d like to express my opinion and say to you , I think you done the absolute right thing if that had been me I would’ve done exactly the same thing I think it’s absolutely appalling that any parent should leave their child in a car four any length of time is extremely dangerous, and absolutely irresponsible


  • I think it is simply people don’t stop and think. One of the girls from work was phoning the police the other day because a 7 year old child was left unattended in a car (just prior to the heatwave), when the mother came out. My friend quizzed her and the woman came back with “well the window was open when I left her” followed by “I can’t help it if she closed it”. My friend was horrified, but then the woman said ‘well it’s not like she is a dog’. My friend told her she was reporting her and walked away whilst she could still control the anger she was feeling. Sometimes I wonder if parenting course should be mandatory!!


  • I’ve sat in the car with my daughter waiting for my husband (engine off, no air con) and it gets so hot so quickly. Really set it in concrete for me how quickly something bad could happen. Of course he had left the keys so I just started the car and put the air con on (my daughter was asleep which is why we didn’t all get out). I can’t believe people would leave a child in a car in this heat. And don’t leave your pets either!


  • I have posted about this issue before, and I will not hestiate to call 000 for a child left in a car. Yesterday, however, I hit a true dllemma – a lady I really like from playgroup pulled in next to us at Coles, and raced in leaving the kids in the car. I was really shocked, and did not know whether to call emergency services or not. I did follow her in, and suggest she really RUN as leaving the kids alone was a terrible idea, but I feel I have damaged the friendship. In fact I am not sure if I still want to be friends….


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