
18 Comment

My mum is an amazing woman. She has struggled through life starting at 14 when she lost her mum to breast cancer.

Her dad and brothers were in the navy and she had to be the woman of the house. After sadly divorcing my Dad

she became very sick. She still made sure my sister and I had everything we needed and wanted. She would go

without just so we didnt. She has always been my best friend, always the one i can talk to and get really good advice from.

Mum taught me how to be kind, caring and giving. She has always put others first no matter the circumstances and helps

anyone she can. She has supported me through everything ive done or want to do such as my upcoming preventive surgery.

She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 and even though she could hardly function she still put others first.

It was heartbreaking to watch her suffer but I learnt so much from that time. Ive learnt to be strong and to never give up.

She is an inspiration to me and she never gets the thanks she deserves. She is often dealt bad cards and struggles

but that doesnt change the person she is. She is never bitter, never negative and always full of love.

The last few months has proven the person she really is. My dad was admitted to hospital just before xmas

and was told a few days after that he was dying of stage 4 liver cancer and there is nothing more they can do

except send him home. Even though mum and dad have been divorced since 1996, my mum took him home.

To the home we were all a family & the home he was most happiest in his life. She took care of him for 4 weeks

while he slowly died. Having him at her house allowed me to be able to spend his last few weeks with him and

cherish each moment. He passed away peacefully and we were all there with him. She was amazing and strong for

us all and that I cannot thank her enough. She is just a average woman but what she has done for the people who know her,

needs and should be acknowledged. A kind heart goes along way.

Posted by mrsgreen12, 13th February 2014

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  • Hope she sees your words


  • What an amazing story of an amazing lady. Thank you for sharing with us xx


  • What an extraordinary woman your mother is, and from the sound of it, you take after her. Just as a thought, if you can afford it, and you’d like to do something together that you’d both enjoy, why not book a “glamour” photography session with your mum? You both get spoilt with hair & make-up, and you get to choose some really gorgeous photos, that will be very precious to both of you.

    • That sounds like a truly wonderful idea.


  • You and your mum both are very special people. In the midst of life’s troubles you still look for ways to be good to others around you.


  • is there a family photo you can get enlarged? that would be nice to give to her


  • its beautiful to see so much of an outpouring of love for your mum, she sounds like a treasure


  • What an inspirational person your mother is!


  • your mum sounds like a truly amazing lady


  • Your mum sounds like a beautiful women 🙂


  • My goodness. May God bless her. She sounds like an amazing, kind and caring soul and there is no greater gift than those qualities that we can pass on to our children. What about something everlasting like an enacribed piece of jewellery or something she can hang and look at everyday to remind her of how much she has given and how grateful you are.


  • What a beautiful mum you have. And she has raised a lovely daughter who thinks of others and appreciates their efforts. How lovely to read about such a close and loving family.


  • thanks for sharing this great story


  • Thank you for sharing, that was a great story!


  • your mum is maazing. Everyone has a soft spot for their parents but not many will do what your mum has. truley beautiful


  • stay strong and all the best!


  • what a heartwarming and inspiring story


  • That explains why you are a brave girl, it must be in the genes.


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